Healing Wounds

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   Their lost hit them hard once more as soon as they reached home, every part of their house reminded them of Abby, the two youngest went upstairs as all of them went inside their own rooms. Jungkook went directly to her bed, grabbing a pillow as he burried his face on them, his cries muffled by the pillow, V looked at him, giving him the space that he needed and went to Abby's vanity table, he chuckled lightly as tears started to gather in his eyes, he would've given her all the lipsticks in the whole world if she would just come back to them and yell at him for messing with her things. Jin went inside the room and wordlessly he sat down the bed and started tapping Jungkook's shoulder, Jungkook looked up, clutching Abby's pillow to him like a child, drying his tears as he faced Jin, V shortly joined them, the three of them sat crossed legged at her bed facing each other.  "How are you holding up? we are all hurting... and now more than ever we need to be strong for Noona, she would hate seeing us broken down like this." he said as he felt that old familiar lump in his throat as his tears threaten to fall once more, but he held them back "You and the hyungs.. you need to be there for your maknaes..you need to be much stronger than before.." Abby's words reminded him,  "This would be our hardest hurdle but we need to overcome this and we can only do this if we are together, alright?" Jin said as he nodded towards the two guys, who nodded continously as they dried their tears.

    "I want her back.." Jungkook said " I wish this is all a bad dream." he added as fresh tears sprang in his eyes,

   "We all want that Kook, but we must accept the reality that she is gone, the sooner we do that, the quicker we heal.." Jin said swallowing the lump in his throat as he tried his hardest not to cry..

    "It's hard." V said not lifting his head up and holding the eyeliner that he had bought for their Noona ".. everything reminds us of her.."

    "It's alright to hold on to her memories V, I am not asking you to forget all about her, what I am asking is for you to move on past this pain, past our lost, we need to move on for her, Noona would not like it if we would just sulk the rest of our lives right."

   "You're right Hyung, Noona was always full of life, she would have hated it if we wasted away like this." Jungkook said as she stared blankly into space ".. Maybe a few days, just allow us to be like this, to cry for her, would that be alright?" Jungkook asked as he looked up directly to Jin, who smiled and messed with Jungkook's hair as he also smilled at V, who sadly smilled back at them.

   "I think that will be just fine.." He said as he allowed himself to finally cry as he covered his face with his hands as began to sob.

   Hobi joined Yoongi at his room, Yoongi was sitting at the foot of his bed, his legs are stretched out and her arms lie lifelessly at his side while his head lay on his bed, Hobi sat besides him "You need some energy there?" he lightly teased as he flopped down besides him

   "If I am going to take your energy, you would be unconcious right now." Yoongi replied seriously as he looked at Hobi giving him a sad smile

   "That's alright, if I can get the old suga  back.." Hobi replied with a smile,

   "You are really something Jhope, How can you be cheerful at times like this?" he said with a deep sigh
   " I promised Noona that whatever happens I won't let the clouds cover my sunshine.." he said as his lips tremble and tears flow freely from his eyes "We need to move forward although this can hurt like hell.."

   "I would've endured all the pain in this world just to get her back Hobi.. he said as he sat up pulling his knees close to his chest, " .. things happened so fast, I wasn't expecting that we would loose her this early and so damn fast..I was not prepared for that, I think that's why it was so painful."

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