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    Abby frowned at the file in front of her, something is not right from the report that she had received, "This is the weirdest file that I have ever read, she is already arrested right? are you saying that Andrea is indeed telling that truth that it was really a frame up."  she asked the private investigator that they had hired, they are currently at their lounge discussing the recent arrest of Lee Andrea.

   "That is my conclusion yes, she was indeed the kitchen supervisor during the time when Ms Hung was food poisoned but she never touched any of the food she was just in charge of what meals to cook. What is also puzzling is that according to her workmate, there were no pictures inside her locker prior to the search."

    "Wait.. what pictures? we don't have any info about that." Abby asked as she checked the files once more.

   "The pictures the police found are all of Seung gi, there are pictures of the two of you as well, but your face is cut off and replaced with hers and the most incriminating evidence that they found is the picture of the boys, with Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taeyhung and Park Jimin's faces erased, a receipt of the rental car with Kim Taeyhung's  name written on it, the car was rented on the same day that the hit and run happened, when they saw those, that was when they issued the warrant and the rest you already know. "

   "And where is her collegue now? maybe we can ask her again, was her statement written?"

   "No she was just there when they opened the locker, to serve as a witness when the police investigated the anonymous tip that they have received connected with the food poisoning. She was shocked when she saw the picture her initial reaction was "where did those came from?" she claims that Andrea's locker is empty no pictures, nothing.."

   "We need to reach her then to check and re confirm her statement."

    "That's the problem, she was found dead at an alley a few days ago, A victim of an apparent mugging, her wallet and other valuable assets that she might be carrying is missing"

   "Oh God.." Abby replied in shock, as her face began to pale "Are  you sure that it's her?"  she asked as she almost choke out her words,

    "Yes, she has been positively identified by her parents, something is bothering me about this, it seems very coincidential that she died a few days after Andrea was arrested. It's like someone does not want her to speak up anymore, You need to be even more careful Ms. Flemmings, especially  to those people who are close to you." the investigator advised her
    "No one among my friends will betray me like that, not one of them would want to hurt the boys.." she protested

   "Don't you know that popular old saying Ms. Flemmings?" he asked as he leaned forward "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer...Be very careful,  if my hunch is correct you are dealing with a very dangerous and deranged person. " he said as he stood and began to leave. " Good day Ms. Flemmings.. " he said with a bow, Abby then stood up as well and accompanied him at the door.

   The conversation with the private investigator left a bitter taste in Abby's mouth, she shook her head as she slumped on her seat, she sighed unable to comprehend that one of her closest friend would betray her.  There is only one way to figure this out and that is to confront Lee Andrea herself.

   "Haven't seen you in a while, why are here?" Andrea said as she took her seat in front of Abby, she is currently detained for being the primary suspect of the food poisoning and the attacks against BTS "Came here to gloat? FYI I didn't do anything and besides threats are not my style I attack straight away, You my dear should know that from experience." she added with a smirk as she looked at straight at Abby.

    "Somehow I find it hard to believe, the evidence is all found in your workplace and at your home.."  Abby challenged "... that you have nothing against me or the boys."

    "Evidence that are clearly planted, It has been years Abby, and I don't hold grudges that long, besides I am quite satisfied with how my life is turning out, boring and less glamorous but at least peaceful, my obsession with your fiance has run it's course, I don't fancy him anymore." she said as she looked bored and began checking out her nails "Do me a favor love, Look for the real culprit yeah? I don't belong here." she said as she stood up and began her leave

    "If you admit that you are doing this we won't press charges anymore." Abby called out, Andrea rolled her eyes

    "I did not have anything to do with the attacks... You should not stop looking over that pretty head of yours, whoever is doing this is still out there and might just be looking for the perfect opportunity to strike. Be careful Abby, enemies like that are much much more dangerous than those that attacks you up front." she said as she moved closer to the glass once more, she then went away from her and knocked at the door calling the guards on the other side, a clear indication that her conversation with Abby is over...

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