Bus Ride

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The boys waited in silence in their living room, their bags are already by the door "Joonie Hyung Are you sure that they will pick us up today?" V asked breaking their silence as he checked his watch, it is already 330 in the afternoon

"It's still early V, they told us that they will be here at 4 "Namjoon replied calmly, " We still have 30 minutes to kill" Namjoon saw Bee at their kitchen preparing something , curiously he stood up and went near her as she was just closing the bag " Hey Bee.. what are those?"

"Just some tuna and also peanut butter sandwiches for the trip , would you like one?" she offered as she checked the cooler filled with bottled water and sodas

"I'm good thanks, Ahmm, better to remove the peanut butter ones, Noona is highly allergic to peanuts "

" oh my, sorry about that, I wasn't informed that Noona is allergic to peanuts, thanks for telling me" Bee said as she hurriedly re opened the bag and began removing the peanut butter sandwiches "These are my favorites, i'll just keep them in another  bag, that's ok right?"

"Sure, as long as you don't share it with Noona, you can share with Jimin though, he loves peanut butter

"Really?" she asked suprised and happy that she has something in common with Jimin,

"Yup, he will be extremely happy, trust me.. " He said as she watched Bee re arrange the sandwiches again "..and also you know that Noona and Seung gi is in a relationship now right?"

"Yup" Bee answered as she got another bag and transfered the sandwiches that she had removed from the other bag

"Don't forget that if there are crews from the show we won't talk about it, alright?"

"Of course" she said with a smile, Namjoon then nodded to her then went upstairs, a few more minutes passed their doorbell rang, Bee went to answer the door

"Noona!" she shouted, the boys sprang into motion as they came barreling in hugging and screaming her name

"Aist you guys! we were just together last night " she said as they let go and grinned at her

"We missed you already" Jimin said

"Please tell me that you have already packed your bags and you didn't forget anything at all" Abby said with a smile,

"We are already packed since this morning " Hobi answered excitedly

"Woah, I forgot that you guys are always excited to go on trips..."

"Noona don't tell me that you are slowly forgetting about us " V said his eyes widening

"Like that will happen" Abby said as he pinched both Vs' cheeks, she turned her attention to Bee " It's gonna be a long trip, You were able to prepare some snacks right Bee?" Abby asked turning her attention to Bee who nodded with a wide grin on her face
"Where are the others?" Abby said as she noticed that Jungkook, Namjoon Jin and Yoongi is not around yet

"They just forgot something" Hobi said, " Joonie hyung is already here earlier, he must have went upstairs as well" they were then startled when a small bag fell rolling down the stairs

"Namjoon your bag wants to leave now where are you?" Abby jokingly called out as she entered their house, she scanned the house and sighed she missed being around the guys, she missed being home

"Noona?" Jungkook called up from up the stairs and ran towards her "Noona! I missed you so much" he said as he ran towards her with arms wide open, Abby was thrown back by the force of the hug she almost fell but she collided with Seung gis' chest

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