The Arrest

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    Management decided that Bee should once again replace Abby since she needs at least three months rest from what happened, Jimin is not really sure on how to feel, trapped between being sad because of Abby's condition and ecstatic as he would spend longer time with Bee, his thoughts were cut short when Abby called him out " Park Jimin, you deserve to be happy so stop sulking on my behalf." Abby said as he looked directly at Jimin,  once they received the news. They are all in Abby's room, all seven boys are sitting by her bed , with Yoongi at her right and Jungkook at her left, while the others are sitting in front of her in a semi circle position. " I can feel your struggle not to smile from here." she added as she playfully roll her eyes making the others laugh,

     "But Noona.." Jimin protested as Abby gave him a death glare, Jimin's smile widdened as she rushed to her and gave her a big hug

    "Thank you Noona!!" he shouted as he began to do a little dance making his bandmates laugh, 

   "That is soo much better" She said with a deep sigh " and you guys should do the same, I miss the old noisy bunch  that you guys were and the serious look is soooo not you." she added as she smiled at them and crossed her arms "Loosen up guys, please I already lost my baby, I don't want to see you loosing your sparks as well, I am gonna be alright." she almost pleaded as the guys surrounded her enclosing her in a group hug

    "Are you still leaving us after all this?" Jin worriedly asked as his other bandmates looked at him, Abby smiled

    "No, not anymore.." she smiled " I just thought that it will be hard to run around with a huge belly." she said as she chuckled bitterly, tears springing into her eyes "We always bounce back right? we never ever give up and everything happens for a reason so let's just move forward. Let's take one step at a time, day by day we can do this." She said with a determined smile

    "Are you really sure that you are alright now Noona.." Yoongi asked although he knows that no one is mad at him and he is already forgiven he still can't shake off the guilty feeling in the pit of his stomach, Abby reached out and lightly pinch his cheeks.

   "Stop feeling guilty Min Yoongi..I am perfectly fine I can get through this if you will all help me, I'm just saddened that I won't be able to see her but it doesn't mean that I will just sulk my whole life.."

   "Of course Noona we will always stay by your side, we will never ever leave you. but wait .. Her? how can you tell that it's a girl?" V asked curiously

   "I just felt it, I was gonna name her Belle." she said as she fought back her tears, clearing her throat she smiled at them "Anyways... who is going to feed me hmmm??" she said making the boys  collectively groan in frustration  "Uh who would volunteer to order for delivery?"  she asked  as their  bell rang

    "I'll get it.."  Jungkook  volunteered as he jumped off the bed and rushed towards the door, A few minutes later Elizabeth and Seung gi showed up at her room carrying take out meals

      As they began to eat Seung gi began teasing the guys "Why did you forget to feed my Wifey." he said as he snuggled close to Abby spoon feeding her soup, Abby blushingly ate the soup

   "Hubby, give me the spoon I am capable of feeding myself.." she said as she tried to take away the spoon away from Seung gi who just laughingly dodge her attempt,

    "Na ah, I know that you can feed yourself but let me alright?" he said gently as the boys and Elizabeth teased them once more, Seung gi continued to feed her, some of the soup made a mess on Abby's lips, in case of wiping it away , Seung gi kissed her, the boys teasing becoming  louder as Abby's blushed deepened even more "Hmm, I am liking this soup as well.." Seung gi said as he smiled and winked at her. Abby hit him playfully,

     "Aist this is too diabetically sweet.."  Yoongi said with a frown in his face as he stood up

    "Diabetically sweet?" Hobi asked with a frown at Yoongi.

    "Too sweet it'll get you sick.." Yoongi answered with a smirk, Abby smiled at Yoongi, happy that he is slowly returning to his sarcastic old self, they heard the doorbell once more "I'll get it." Yoongi said with a nod as he went out the room,

    Calista showed up at the door her eyes wide as she tried to catch her breath she slumped down at the bed and grabbed Jin's drink and drank it in one go, Jin opened his mouth to protest but shook his head instead

    "Yikes  girl, what happened to you?" Elizabeth said with a chuckle as Jin tried to steal Jungkook's drink who stood up and moved away from him, causing Jin to fall of the bed, Jimin began laughing hard, Abby smiled at them, happy that the boys are slowly bouncing back once more,

    "They arrested her.." she said as she cough out, clearing her throat she began to speak once again "They arrested Lee Andrea, she is the one behind the attacks.." she announced as the room fell into deadly silence..

    Calista then told them that as soon as she heard the news on Abby's miscarriage she immediately went to visit, she saw the broadcast while buying a gift, "Apparently the police received an anonymous tip that she is the one behind the threats and the attack, that the caller saw Andrea deliberately added the spoilt milk in the food and she claims to hear Andrea  saying that she hopes it hits the target and that she hates BTS and their armys' , I guess it was hard enough evidence or they have found something else much stronger to produce a warrant , anyway during the search  they saw the knife that wounded you Abby,  the blood was still in it, but she is insisting that she has been framed." She then related all in one  breathe as she took Jungkook's drink, Jungkook looked at her in shock as Jin began to silently teased him,

   "Wow.. I guess it's all over and that means Hobi is safe.." she said as she felt relieved as he hugged Hobi closer to her, Hobi breathe in a sigh of relief.

   "I think that They will need you at the station Abby, to get and match your DNA, if it matches with the ones that they have in the knife, then she's a goner."  Calista said with a shrug

   "If you want I can also testify on what she did to you at the variety Abby, the reason that she was kicked out. It will help strengthen the case." Elizabeth volunteered

   "What happened back then?" Calista asked

    "She strangled Abby the moment that she said that she and Seung gi were dating, That was the reason that she was kicked out and you replaced her."  she replied as she nodded towards Calista whose mouth is now open in shock at Abby, as the boys unbelievingly blinked at her and began their interrogation with Abby. Seung gi held up his hand silencing them

   "Settle down guys, we will tell you what happened. Let is just be glad that the culprit is now caught, At least we won't always be looking over your shoulders" he explained as the boys nodded in agreement

  "She is going down!" Calista cheered as she offered high fives all around, Abby finally felt relieved that it is all over

   This is not yet over! she cursed she cannot accept that Abby and Seung gi are still together after all that had happened, Why can't he see that she is so much more than Abby! that she can love him more than what she can give, she will not be defeated this way! she will still find a way to triumph! she swore as she laid down her bed and closed her eyes as tears started to fell off her face. Life is not fair so she is gonna play dirty..

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