Burning Out

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    The next day, Abby was called to Mr. Hung's office while the boys are recording, She sighed deeply as she knocked outside the door, she was prompted to come in " You called for me boss?" she asked as she saw her boss sitting at his desk

    "Yes Ms. Flemmings do sit down." He said seriously that Abby's heart began to beat nervously in her chest. Mr Hung then sighed "I know that you are a very busy woman Abby, so I'll just get straight to the point, Is Park Jimin dating my daughter?" he asked as he raised an inquisitive brow while looking at her.  Abby gulped torn between denying and admitting the truth.

    "Yes sir.." she answered with a sigh, believing that the truth will soon be out sooner than what they have expected and besides Mr. Hung might already know the truth and just needed to confirm it.

    "Bee herself told me about it, I was shocked considering that they have been dating under my nose for quite some time. But I am not going to go against them, Bee dating Park Jimin have made her more responsible, he is a good influence for my daughter, what I didn't like is that she has been harmed because someone wants to harm you and the boys." he said seriously once more

    " I deeply apologized sir, we have no idea that she will be harmed." Abby apologized with a bow

    "I am not blaming you Abby, and if I know you, I know that you already have a plan in mind, and I want to know what those plans are, I don't want anyone else geting hurt, Am I correct?" he asked as he began to smile.

    "Actually sir, we already have a game plan."

   "Hyung you need to eat. We bought your favorites." Jimin said as he urged Hobi to eat his food, they are currently sitting at their dining table, with a big bowl of spicy ramen and sushi at their table but Hobi is not touching his food, he just continued staring in space " I am not use to seeing you so down. " he added with a sad sigh as Hobi's expression remained blank

    "Jung Hoseok snap out of it, we are here for you, we won't let anyone harm you." Namjoon said as he tap Hobi's shoulder making him jump in surprise his eyes wide with fear,

    "Jhope.. we are here alright? and Noona already has a plan to catch her before she harms anyone else." Jin said encouragingly as he took his seat "So please trust us"

   "We have another issue." Yoongi suddenly spoke out as he threw a newspaper across the table, Jin immidiately took the paper and scan the pages, while the other guys gathered behind their back, Yoongi began filling Hobi's plate with Sushi "Eat." he simple stated as he stared at him, Hobi sighed as he slowly began to eat, the others looking suprised but their attention was distracted by the news again.

    " This has gone too far! why are they too judgemental?" Jin reacted as he crushed the newspaper , V and Jungkook immediately took the paper before Jin totally desteoyed it, The news showed Abby's eyes puffy from crying while she is joined by Elizabeth and Calista, The reporter wrote that Abby is now suffering from depression and is burning out because things are no longer working on her favor, it also added that she is failing as a manager and a girlfriend and that she has too much to handle on her plate.

    This is not fair! we should sue this reporter"  V said as he pointed at the reporter's name

    "Calm down guys, just trust Noona..She knows exactly what to do." Namjoon added as they all fell silent.

   Abby felt that her head is just about to explode, she felt that she is just about to crash and burn, aside from keeping and continously checking the boys' schedules to ensure that they won't have double commitments within the day, she have to deal with the reporter's calling her non stop regarding Jungkook and V's incidents and they are also beginning to question her well being, all of this while balancing it with her relationship with her fiance and dealing with a deadly stalker, she feels that just needed to sleep it off for a day, might as well take advantage of this day off she thought as she wordlessly entered their house, She was almost at the top of the stairs when she was hit with a wave of nausea, grabbing hold of the railing, she took in deep breathes, sweat began to broke out from her forehead, she felt that her world is spinning, taking a huge intake of breath she took baby steps until she reached the top, she saw Yoongi and Namjoon talking, upon seeing her, they rushed towards her with matching worried expressions on their faces.

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