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Sometime in the afternoon

"How is the song coming Nialler?!" Louis asks spotting his sulking friend having an ice cream cone on the couch, right after he waves his customer bye at the entrance of the studio.

"Fuck off tommo!" Niall merely grumbles making Louis raise his eyebrow only have seen Niall like this once when the tickets to Harry Styles concert were too costly to buy. God! Niall had cursed at the universe for making him poor and Harry's ticket so out of his reach.

He moved taking a sit right beside his friend wrapping his arm around the Irish boy's shoulder, he said with sympathy "That bad hun?"

"Try horrible! I hate fucking writers block! T's so frustrating... Why da hell didch'ya tell me about this so late!" Niall blasted out moving a little away from him, turning in his seat facing him with such a strong reaction that Louis' eyes went wide like an owl,especially when he bursted on Louis cursing him.

Here comes the cursing, Louis thought rolling his eyes as he said "Well that's really nice way of thanking me to actually put your name i-"

He was cut off by Niall, who licked the trail of the ice cream now flowing down the side of his cone onto his thumb, his eyes narrowing at Louis a bit "It was Zayn"

"We both are a team. So ya, I am going to take the credit. And don't blame me for your block. Find that Niall who one time came up with a song in bloody 7 minutes! It was genius!"Louis said exasperated before smiling at his cute friend, wanting him to remind how wonderful of an artist he is. Because pulling a song, an awesome at that in only seven minutes is remarkable, quite fucking remarkable, atleast for him.

" That Niall can't come to the phone. You know why? Cause he dead." Niall answered him deadpanned,

"You're real funny Horan" Louis snorted to which, Niall only shrugged before taking a bite of his melting ice-cream, his mood dimming the more he gazed at the cone in his hand.

And before Louis could come up with something that will cheer up his best mate Niall starts mourning, his helplessness getting best of him "I can't Louis. I can't do this. I am at it since last night. I suck. I-"

"That you do"Louis sneaks in, not able to let that opportunity go, he never can even when Niall is about to cry his little heart out and this is probably not the situation for sexual innuendos but he does. And to his utter disbelief, Niall doesn't even react, his eyes wide with fear, melting ice-cream long forgotten as he starts "I am going to shit. And then I will not have a song or I will have a song which will doesn't even sound like one and then I am going to ruin my chance to meet Harry. God, I am such a loser. The one time I get the chance to possibly be in presence of THE greek go-"

Louis only rolls his eyes at his overdramatic mate and colleague as he starts his sassy self" First off, Not everyone things he is a Greek God. Second, again you will not possibly meet him even if you are selected. Third, just thing about what inspires you or right about that what's his face ex-boyfriend of yours. "

Niall makes a face at him biting right back as he says" First off Louies, change your bloody specs for that poor eyesight of yours,can't believe how you got Zayn. "

" Salty much"Louis pipes smirking because Zayn is handsome and is his boyfriend. Niall only rolls his eyes at his reaction but continues "Secooond, again as I believe I said previously even if I don't get the same record I will be around celebrities and then I can meet him too,maybe he will be friends with the one I am working or he will be friends of the bandmates or you know too many possibilities, and third I am not going to write songs about Nate,that would never happen in my life ever-"

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