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Five days pasts and Niall finds himself in the car with Harry ,going to one of the neighbouring towns for another of Harry's small appearance. The whole band is here and Niall feels a little hopeless having feelings for someone who is pretty happy in the arms of another man. The man who is rightfully his boyfriend and deserves himself wrapped in Harry's arms . Deserves to be kissed , nuzzled and appreciated by Harry. Doesn't deserve the glares Niall wants to shove down on him oh so desperately. Doesn't deserves Niall's bad wishes for being with man of his dreams.

So for the rest of the day Niall smiles , tries to take his mind of the loved up couple and shoves down his pitiful jealousy with fries and beer.

Harry still talks to him, laughs with him and few times does includes him in one of their conversations although Niall has no idea what they are talking about half of the time. But he smiles anyways , feels proud even when Harry happily praises him for helping him with songs. Announcing that he is not dodging around the album but actually working on it.

Says, if Niall remembers clearly "Its all because of Niall here"

And the butterflies in his stomach sore towards his throat.

He only sits in the wing watching the show later. Enjoying to the fullest, laughing at all of Harry's silly jokes.

All his hurt and loneliness forgotten and he feels lucky to be able to watch Harry live from the wings nonetheless. A fine upgrade from his couch. Speaking of which he remembers his cat and saves in his mind to call Louis later.   

Its at the end of the show when Niall is in conversation with one of Harry's make up artist Lou ,that he feels a pat on his shoulder. Turning around he comes face to face with Harry who is smiling giddily at him, forehead dripping with sweat and breathes harder.

"Hey !"

"Hey to you too. Amazing show Harry" Niall says smiling back at him.

"Thanks. Um-" Harry chuckles before scratching his head ,clearly not able to take compliment.

"Do you want to sit? You look really tired and honestly out of breathe" Niall points to the couch at his left.

"Oh No! I'm ... I've to go " Harry points with his thumb behind his back" I just came here to tell you we all are going to the club,the band and I , I mean .."with that he jogs backwards " Be ready !"

And with that he flashes him those dimples and is out of the door leaving no room for Niall to even speak.

"You like him , don't you ?" he hears Lou from behind him and he blushes turning around trying to avoid her.

"What , what do you mean ?"

" I mean what I asked" Lou states confidently throwing a smile at him as she resumes her packing.

"Yeah, He is my favoriate artist. I am a fan" Niall replies trying to be nonchalant although his heart is beating wildly in his chest no one other than Zayn and Louis know about his feelings.

"I think its more than that"

"Lou ,its no-"

"I have seen you since two shows now and I've seen all those fangirls ,boys too over the years. And I know its a very small amount of time to say anything. But you're quite close friends -"

"Yes , we are friends. We work on songs together"

"But does one close friend looks at other as if they are the sun or the moon"

"I don't think so"

"Tell him"

"What ?! You're crazy. He already has .. He is in a relationship and I am just a common man"

"You're anything but common. You're a lyricist and can be a professional musician if you want"

"And there is absolutely no harm in letting your feelings know. You may never know what you just may get"

" I - I've to go . Goodnight Lou. Take care"


Later in the night, Niall is dancing to one of the upbeats songs beer in his hand. He is dragged by one of the boys towards the bar and one glass of tequila is pushed in his hand. He happily downs it cheering loudly and two more before the two are carrying bunch of drinks in their hands trying to find a way to their table.

He slides next to Clare who gives him a wide smile and pecks his cheek taking her drink.

"Thanks Man" Adam says taking his drink from Niall's hand as he passes the rest before getting comfortable.

He looks up as a figure stands in front of their table , sipping his drink watching the bandmates as Adam asks "Hey Mitch , where is Harry man ?!"

Mitch smiles sliding in seat right opposite to Niall and Niall is mildly aware of the makeout session he soon would have to endure. He watches Mitch gulping his drink before replying " He is coming.Meet some friend back there , is with him now. "
Niall's eyes wonder of to the direction of the bathroom where not long ago he had seen the couple head. His gaze is diverted rather rudely as a cheerful voice shouts in his ear almost making him deaf "Lets dance, Niall !"

"You know Clare am absolute shit at it" he laughs taking another sip from his glass as others laugh at his reply.

"Who cares ?!" she says with a slap on his shoulder and before he knows it he is pushed out of his seat with a jolt.

"Ouc.... God Clare ! Jesus ! Im out ,out." he throws his hands up as she keeps pushing him out of the seat and stands up accepting his defeat.

She gives him a satisfactory smirk and stands up. They take each others hands and are about to leave that a voice halts them in their track.

Niall watches a very happy Harry approaching them with a man trailing behind him. He stands right infront of them as he says "Hey guys ! This is Liam and he is joining us for the evening"

Niall watches them both but his attention is mostly on the new man . He knows him, another great singer of their generation. And he knows , has read that he is Harry Styles best friend. He watches as Sarah ,who has been quiet the entire night almost jumps out of her seat with excitement shaking his hands with hers " Liam Payne , Holy ?! Hey..."

"Hi, I hope you guys don't mind." the tall man , smiles softly at everyone as Harry pats his back happily.

Niall hears Harry talking but his mind is diverted with series of flashback zipping past his eyes. The night all those days ago coming back to him. The club ,all the lights ,the stairs they took, the arms wrapped around his tearing his clothes .

"Not at all. Feel free. We will be right back , c'mon Ni-"he listens Clare speak distantly and someone taking his hand but he doesn't move from his spot. 

"Hey" Liam then turns to him putting his hand for him to shake and smiling at him.

"Hi" he breathes out as realization pours like a bucket of water on top of him

And he sees the same in Liam's eyes that glimmer in surprise.

The moans , the heavy breathes ,the sweet pleasure and pain come in flashbacks and both of them drop their handshake as they utter the same word in shock, leaving a rather confused Harry watching them standing beside.




And now we know , who Niall really slept with all those days ago!!

I hope you like this chapter !!!

Also, please check out my new  story Arms of Stranger  . Its a Narry Story !!
It is a Pschycological Thriller X Romance ..... Filled with mystery and drama. Basically , a whole package !

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Ri x

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