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Niall's eyes crinkle as a yawn spills through his lips waking him up from his slumber. He stretches his arms spreading them around as he blinks his eyes open still pretty laziy wanting to go back to sleep. But his eyes open wide as he realizes the missing body next to him. He turns to look at his right and sees no one.

Harry's supposed to be here

Last night's activity comes back to him like a crashing train and his cheeks turn bright red as he remembers the completely unabashed way he had sucked him off. Like a fucking hungry whore, he thinks. His cheeks tinge with warmth as he remembers the way Harry looked, the way he groaned oh so loudly and the way he looked at him. His gaze alone sending electric currents through his arms. A smile stretches wide across his legs the way Harry showered him with kisses, the way he went feral displaying his need for him only to diminish soon as he remembers him moaning how wrong the entire thing was and then he almost snaps his neck as he looks beside him, seeing no signs of him.

He slams his palms on his face as he cries out in frustration at the entire situation.

Oh! What a day to start


He nervously gets ready as thousands of emotions go through him. First, he feels like crying as he brushes his teeth realizing Harry doesn't want him as he went away at the crack of the dawn, which turns him into a crying mess in the shower where he realizes maybe Harry regrets last night, regrets their kisses muttering to him to be a such a love sick fool. The cries soon turn into pure frustration as he combs his hair mumbling, "Well I didn't came in my room last night",only to chuckle at his words.
He places his comb down beside the sink now looking at himself in the mirror as he scowls "Yeah! He wanted me ! He came to me! HE KISSED ME FIRST!"

His eyes then widened in horror as he realizes that,"FUCK ! I KISSED HIM TOO!", he paces back and forth in the small bathroom as he thinks to himself, muttering out "SHit! This means he knows I have feelings for him! Fuck, he knows I love him! This is embarassing as hell"

His horror then shapes into a panic as he continues "He is going to throw me out, my career is over before it even started. All because of stupid damn feelings, stupid damn kiss and stupid damn blowjob!"

He then breathes loudly, trying to remind himself not to go into attack, he doesn't even have his pump with him. He doesn't even remember if he packed it even , not needing the damn thing since he broke up with Nate and cried over that bastard.

"Be cool Horan" he says looking at himself right in the mirror, his eyes follow the pink bruise on his neck courtsey of Harry Styles and he looks away back at himself as he focuses on the matter "You never said I love you, so he doesn't know you love him. He knows as a matter of fact you both know you're attracted to each other"

A pure smile appears on his lips as the realization sets in "Harry Styles made out with me. He is attracted to me"

He then steps out going to his wardrobe grabbing a random shirt and a short to wear as he the fact that Harry Styles is not single comes to mind. The fact that he has not only a girlfriend but a boyfriend as well settles in.

With that his heart becomes heavy as he thinks maybe it is one time thing and Harry wants to forget whatever happened between us. With that thought, he decides to take whatever comes his way because anyway he has no chance against the model and the beautiful guitarist. He decides to take Harry's cues and plans to say that to Harry, to forget everything if he decides to through him out. He cannot ruin his non-existent barely there career. Thinking about that he quickly grabs his own notebook and pen, been working on a song. He decides he will just sit on the couch or the piano and work on it today.

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