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After signing the contract Niall is called into another room, the previous one he was in before. When asked what for, he was told Harry Styles would soon be meeting him. That he wanted to talk to him, himself. And he would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was sweating bullets.

He couldn't stop bitting his bottom lip, while looking around a tint of blush of excitement to see his favourite artist and yet nervous as hell at the same time.

He couldn't believe he just signed off a deal, was going to work with Harry Styles. And the said man is going to enter his room soon.

All thoughts of questions and answers that he would say or have to say flashed through his mind, nothing remaining with him even for a second to concentrate on. He just hopes he doesn't make a fool out of himself, although he is sure he damn will.

His mobile vibrates signalling him of a message and he quickly checks it to see Louis' text wishing him to keep it in his pants. Niall's cheeks tint red at that and he grumbles typing list of profanities with a final fuck off before placing it in his pocket again not wanting to look at it, as he knows Louis and his reply very well.

There are voices behind the door after a few minutes and Niall turns his face, away from the interesting frames decorated on one of the walls towards his left.

The door creaks open and he could hear his heart beating rapidly in his chest about to jump out.

His eyes follows as black boots come in the view before the caramel pants and before his brain can register his eyes are staring right at two green bright eyes smiling at him. He stumbles to stand up, his palms sweating as he smiles, his smile just as bright as they seem in the pictures, lips just as pink as they seem in the music videos and tall but not that tall for him-just the perfect size he thinks.

He watches him walk up to him before putting his hand for him to shake and that makes him shake his head, trying to come out of his daze and he is quickly shaking his hand. Pulling back fast at the current that runs through his vein, something he is surprised with. And he sees the man is as well.

He is asked to take a seat that he politely takes, watching as Harry Styles,the Harry Styles sitting right in front of him, facing him before he is looking up talking to someone else and Niall jsut realises there are more people apart from the two of them.

He is barely been listening to what is been said as he finds himself staring at him, his eyes flickering off from head to his hand. Glued to them as his eyes trace over the rings he had only seen in photographs and he can say he understands now why all the fans are so crazy about just his hands.

They look so pretty, so hard yet so delicate and he wants nothing but for them to hold his neck. Thinks how the rings would feel on his skin, when he will press his hand against his neck.

And Niall is blushing mad as he is brought back to reality by Harry's voice, who looks by the sight that he was talking for a while. Niall nods to which Harry smiles and nods before turning to whoever that is standing and Niall watches as the door is closed leaving them alone together.

He feel his heart racing a little as he realizes they both are alone in the room, that he is alone with Harry in a room and he is not able to concentrate. Is to busy admiring the man in front of him that he misses what he says. His eyes are raking over the movements of his lips as he talks, to his hands that are all over as he gestures and it looks like he is explaining something;probably something important that Niall has convinently missed.

And he almost flushes with embarrassment as he watches him stop, his eyes are looking right at him and he tries so hard to keep the red out of his cheeks, not wanting to shy because Harry is looking right at him.

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