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"Niall?" Louis turns to Niall who is not even looking at him as he throws another bag at him.

"Here" he says still looking through his cabinet in the kitchen.

"Wha-Niall!!" Louis shrieks catching the bag almost, almost falling over. He gives him a disbelief look that doesn't do much as Niall hasn't turned around yet and that only lead for his eyes to narrow just as Niall finally turns around with two bowls in his hands that Louis knows is for him to take as well. He watches him setting them down between them on the kitchen island as he says "And this. I think this will be enough for -"

Louis is quick to cut him off, with "I think she is not your cat. I also think you hated her guts"

He looks at his friend with narrowed eyes hiding his smile that would definitely give away his fake anger. He is annoyed yet having a lot of fun watching Niall fuss over a cat who isn't even his.

"She is not a cat. She is a devil and you better feed her." Niall frowns pushing the bowls towards his now smirking friend who just places down the bags of food Niall had generously threw at him.

"I think you like her" he states smugly only for Niall to shake his head and close his eyes as he replies with "I have no feelings"

"Then why are you -" he goes to say showing the food bags and pointing at the supply.

Niall cuts him off shaking his head as he says handing him the drink he from his refrigerator that Louis takes "I will be guilty if I don't. This is only for my conscience. Now, she-devil comes by 9, don't forget"

"I can't believe you're flying with a popstar !!!" Louis exclaims a little coming back to the main reason he is here in the first place, excited for his best friend.

"I know right!!" Niall exclaims, giddily his smile wide as ever as he moves to the couch before plopping down with Louis close behind.

"We need to go shopping!" he says his eyes sparkling and Niall only shakes his head pointing his finger behind to the cat food as he replies"I spent cash on that. And I have no money -"

Louis slaps him on the back "Fuck off! You're basically free riding to Jamaica"

"To do my-" Niall is quick to defend himself but Louis cuts him off rolling his eyes at his goody two shoes friend.

"Ya, ya to do your job"

"Don't you air quote me."Niall pouts and Louis only smirks with "can and I will"

"We are going and that's final "

Niall shakes his head knowing he has no chance LG wining this argument with Louis. As a matter of fact he can never win one with his best friend.

Accepting his fate he nods before widening his eyes as Louis stands up from the seat "What? Right now?"

"Well you're the one leaving tomorrow. Just buy one nice piece when you will go on a date with him".

"I am not going on any date. He has a girlfriend"Niall ignores the small fluttering in his heart at the sound of date with Harry and frowns at the reality he knows best.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that. Speaking off, you didn't tell me what went down today apart form you are leaving and I will be wasting my life all alone in this studio "Louis says not taking Niall's frown seriously as they both exit the apartment.

"Well I meet the band and then went on lunch with Harry" Niall causally replies and almost smashes into Louis ' back as the older one stops mid track.

"You what?! "he turns around and Niall blushes at his friend's reaction as he defends "Well, it was me, Jeff...and Harry"

"How did it go?"Louis asks smiling hooking his arm with his friend as they both descend the stairs.

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