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The weekend came and went with Niall mulling over Louis' words. It wasn't the same in the house since that day and he noticed Harry hanging around him, trying to talk. At least, that's what he thought. But with Harry he would never know, he certainly cannot be sure especially after last time when one of Harry's many secrets was revealed. He likes to think of many because the man as all fans call him is an enigma, and he thinks he certainly has remained true to that adjective.

Needless to say, he noticed Harry sitting in the same room as him on his phone more time than one during the weekend. They would exchange a glance or two before going back to the work in hand.

He has also seen Harry lurking around the dining room when he would cook although he already had his dinner. Yes, now they would cook for themselves and eat by themselves. Niall is not always hungry as he used to be and definitely not at the time Harry occupies kitchen. Niall will always go in late at night after 10 to cook.

He is lounging in the living room with his laptop when he watches Harry walking in. He focuses on the screen in front of him when he hears his voice on top of him


"Hey" he responds back scrolling through twitter home page not really reading anything.

"What are you doing ?" he hears him say and his voice sounds a bit nervous and mumbles out, biting at his thumbnail "Just on twitter, nothing much"

He then hears some shuffling and can feel him not in front of him, above him anymore and then his voice comes from his left side letting him know that he is sitting beside him on the couch "You were right"

That took his interest and he looks away from the screen, now staring at him and mumbles out "Hun"

"You were right about us ?" Harry says which is more like a question and Niall rightly gives him a quizzical look.

"About what?" he asks wanting to know were he is getting at and from the pit of his stomach he doesn't feel good, his stomach a little squishy and his mind wanders to thought that maybe he ate something wrong.

"About us and being friends . You were right." he admits and Niall doesn't smile, his heart deflating a little. The last time he had said that they were not friends and now Harry is agreeing to the same and that's just, it hurts a little- no a lot. It hurts a lot and he gulps before asking "I was right that we aren't friends ?"

"No no no, not that. I mean't before when you find out about - that day. What I am trying to say is that I am - I am an idiot." Harry stutters , eyes looking sideways as he shakes his head before taking a much needed Niall thinks and then finally admits and he looks cute, adorable even Niall thinks, green eyes wide as he stares at him- a little bit of hope in his voice and all Niall can do is "Hun"

Not getting any reaction from Niall , he sighs rubbing at his forehead a little before continuing "I mean , I said we weren't friends. Well, I didn't say them exact words but I practically stumbled and indirectly implied."

"Harry, you're not making any sense. You were an idiot and you think I am right that we aren't friends ?" Niall asks a little more confused because Harry is not making any sense right now, so he shifts a little in his seat.

"Yes!No!" Harry jumps a little in his seat panicked and then hurries out with "All I am saying is that I didn't know that you thought of us as friends. I mean, I considered you as one. You somehow ,in a way understood me and I loved spending time with you." he pauses throwing a small smile at Niall "And - and I was an idiot and I didn't word it out. I am just, this will look like an excuse but its very hard for me to trust and recently its been tough and so I panicked and didn't handled the situation properly. I was more focused on -"

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