Chapter 1 ~ Everybody Has a Soft Spot

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AKIKO SNUGGLED DEEPER INTO KEI'S CHEST, feeling a little better than before.

Everyone was out of the house, except for the pair. With a sigh, Akiko put her head on his shoulder so he could hear what she had to say.

"I've been feeling bad lately."

"I figured. That's why I came over."

Kei pressed a kiss on her girlfriend's forehead and ran a hand through her short hair.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Akiko sat up on Kei's lap, hands on his chest. She looked away, frowning. "I don't like being vulnerable." Kei put his hands over her smaller ones, which for a 6'2 giant, were pretty small.

"Vulnerability shows you're human." Akiko raised an eyebrow at her giant, a small smile breaking through.

"I wish you would show your soft spot much more."

Kei pulled her hands down to wrap around his neck, making her fall on his chest. "It wouldn't really be a soft spot then."

Akiko pouted, putting her head to the side to hear his heart beat. "But still!"

"Make my dreams come true? To make me feel better?" Kei clicked his tongue. "No. Me being here is my best effort to help you."

"You liar."

"What? You want me to make pancakes or something?"

Oh right, it's 9 in the morning. That would be good, but- Wait no my snuggles!

Kei moved to get up, but was pushed back down. "Noooooooo" Akiko groaned. "Not my snugglesssssss"

Kei let out a huff of a laugh, laying back down.

"So how about you tell me why you didn't tell me, and I won't go. Sound like a deal?"

"Hmm... Sure!"

After a little nap and cuddles with Kei, Akiko walked over to the charging station as Kei made pancakes. "Ten unread texts and two missed calls from Daichi, somehow doubting that it was just him."

Captain Dad

missed call from Captain Dad

You missed practice, where are you?



Sorry, the others took over for a 


missed call from Captain Dad




You don't need to answer right now.

I'm giving the phone to Kiyoko for Safe-Keeping

"Those idiots abrupted practice, you should really give them your phone number too."

Akiko laughed, putting her phone down after telling Daichi to give them her number. Akiko walked into the kitchen just to see Kei flip a pancake like a pro.

Akiko wrapped her arms around Kei's waist, putting her head on his shoulder. "You would make a good wife."

Kei clicked his tongue, "You're the wife."

Akiko furrowed her eyebrows, faking being angry. "A good wife doesn't say that."

Kei rolled his eyes, deciding to ignore her for the time being. "Just consider the fact that we're the same age and I'm a girl yet we're the same height."

"Or maybe I won't."

Ignoring that statement, Akiko kissed Kei's neck. "Not now, Aki." 

Ignoring him once again, Akiko continued to smother Kei's neck with kissed, nipping here and there. Kei turned off the heat on the stove an turned to Akiko, about to scold her.


If he weren't kissed right on the lips.

Don't take me wrong, they had done this thousands of times, but due to Akiko's recent 'sadness', they hadn't kissed in a week.

Kei melted into the kiss while Akiko picked him up and put him on the counter.

"Fuck the pancakes," Akiko said, unbuttoning the top button of Kei's shirt. "You're my breakfast."

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