Chapter 10 ~ Jump Serves

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"Turn on your camera nerd."

"Shit. Right, sorry."

"Yeah we did win, so?"

"The girls were kind of bitter when they came back. Some of them happen to be my fangirls and they said that some purple haired girl carried them on their back."

"Whaa-What?" Akiko's eyes trailed away from her screen, trying to decipher what that meant. Carry?

"Speaking of which, you're a girl, aren't you?" Akiko's eyes widened.

Fuck. My. Life. Wait, no, my life's fine cause Kei.

"I- uh.." Akiko audibly gulped. "No comment."

"Akiko, that purple haired girl was you." Oikawa narrowed his eyes at her for dramatic effect.

Did I-- Was it really that obvious? So knew, now I know Oikawa knows. Are they just really diligent? No way, So's a fucking dumbass and Oikawa looks like a dumbass.

"You have no proof!" Akiko threw her phone onto her mattress, blocking the camera.

Oikawa rolled his eyes. "Don't you hang up on me."

Akiko sighed, picking her phone back up. "How'd you-- Nevermind, I want to talk about this in person. Anyway, what'd she mean, carry on their back?"

"Like you carried them to victory. I don't know, she said it was a term her brother used."

"Really? I don't think so." Akiko raised her eyebrow, trying to think.

"Most of them complained about you actually. Their vice-cap seemed pissed. Heard you taunted her to death."


"Thought you were against that."

"I am, but I guess I might have done that subconsciously." Akiko bit on her finger, wishing she hadn't done that.

"I want to tell you something."


"..." Oikawa turned off his camera.



"Jesus fucking christ! Thanks for the earrape, damn."

"Hey, when d'you wanna hang out?" Oikawa turned his camera back on.

"Huh?" During the week, Oikawa had completely slipped out of her mind, along with the agreement.

"You agreed to hang out with me if I got a practice match set up for you." Oikawa pouted at her. His expression quickly turned into a feigned angry one. "How dare you forget it?! Are you cheating on me?"

Oh right he doesn't know I'm dating Kei.

Akiko shrugged. "I kind of am."

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