Chapter 5 ~ Revealing a Secret

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Hi, I'm back from the dead.


After the barbecue, which was full of confused gazes at Bokuto from Akiko because she was like, why the fuck is he so weird?, the players were given time to relax and talk to each other for an hour or so before Karasuno had to depart.

The first quarter of the hour went by as the players mingled before the Karasuno volleyball team got called to an empty gym for an unofficial announcement.

The 'announcement of the announcement' was said by Tsukishima.

The players left to the gym, with the two captains of Fukorodani and Nekoma 'sneakily' trailing behind to eavesdrop.

Akiko sighed. She sat in the locker room near the gym taking off the necessities she needed to look like a guy. I hope this isn't a bad idea, fuck, all that motivation from Yamaguchi really isn't working.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi lingered near the entrance of the gym waiting for Akiko while the rest of the team mingled around, looking confused.

Akiko took a deep breath and walked inside in somewhat femenine clothes.

The dumbasses, aka Tanaka, Nishinoya, Hinata, and Kageyama looked at her confused. The others knew straight away. "Is that Akiko's sister?" Hinata asked, his head tilted.

Daichi facepalmed.

Akiko looked at him with a face that said 'I don't know how you're this stupid.'

She rolled her eyes and gestured to herself. "I know most of you can tell who I am but if you don't," cough cough, Hinata, Tanaka, etc. "I'm Akiko, Koisumi."

Then came a chorus oh's from the dumbasses.

A few of them, the perverted ones, blushed and thought back to the times in the changing room. She'd seen them all half-naked and she was a girl.

And then silence came. Sugawara spoke up. "So you were always a--"

"Yeah." Akiko interrupted him. "I understand that you might want to kick me out or tell me to go to the girl's volleyball team. If you do it, I'll understand. It's fine. I have something else to say. I did used to play volleyball, and it was throughout grades 3 to 5. I was the libero, and I was the best.. until this 6th grader, who was a total newbie, came around and beat me."

Nishinoya gasped, his eyes widened. "Oh my god, I think-- I think that was me. Queji elementary, right?"

Akiko's eyebrows raised and she looked at him, finally remembering. Nishinoya used to wear his hair down and he hadn't dyed the front tuft orange.

"I'm so sorry! I was so cocky, and I rubbed it in your face.. Akiko, I'm so so sorry." Nishinoya looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Yuu.." Akiko shook her head, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. "It's fine, we were just kids."

"Excuse me." Everybody turned their heads to the entrance as Ukai and Takeda walked past two stunned volleyball captains.

Tsukishima glared at the two and signaled them to come inside along with the coaches, who had been informed beforehand.

Akiko separated from Nishinoya and walked over to the coaches.

"You can stay." Ukai said, his hands on Akiko's shoulders, with a reassuring smile. "I can? Yes!" She engulfed Ukai in a hug, beckoning Takeda to join them.

When they separated, Ukai put his face in his hands. "I am so dissapointed in myself for the fact that you're so much taller than me."

Akiko giggled at him as she made her way past him towards Kuroo and Bokuto.

"You can tell your teams." She said. "Just not your coaches. If you do tell your coaches, I am killing you."

She pushed their backs out of the gym and closed the doors.

Tsukki raised his eyebrow at her. "Are you sure you want them to know?" Akiko smiled and nodded.

A big weight was lifted off her shoulders and she felt higher than the clouds.

With a cheeky smile, she moved Kei's hands to rest on her waist and wrapped her arms around his neck. She leaned their foreheads together.

Kei, blushing, didn't pull back but said to her, "We're in public."

With the word 'public' his lips touched hers. She closed her eyes and sighed in content. "I know. Kei, I'm so happy."

She planted a kiss on his soft lips before pulling back and making her way to the team.

"Any questions?"

"Bye!" The teams from Tokyo waved to them as they started to get on their bus.

"Wait up!" Inuoka ran and attacked Akiko in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you!" He exclaimed as they pulled apart.

"You knew?" She asked him. Inuoka snickered and smiled brightly, "Of course I knew! I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know what would have happened. You made me realize I was actually bi!"

"Really?" Akiko pulled him into a tighter hug once again. "That's amazing, So!"

"Thanks." He laughed. "Bye, I'll miss you." Inuoka ran back to his team.

"I have something else to show you!" She shouted, making her way to Kei as he stood in front of the bus, waiting for her.

She pulled him close to her by the collar and kissed him before dragging him onto the bus with her.

She sat at the window seat, staring at the surprised faces of the other teams, waving goodbye, before looking at her beanpole. "Akiko." He groaned.

"I don't want to hide anything, Kei. I want to live carefree."

Kei sighed, his eyes closed, shaking his head. "They're going to tease us when we see each other again." He said. "But it's alright. I don't want to hide either. But we're not coming out to the whole entire school."

Akiko burst out laughing. "Alright."


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