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I want to thank everybody who's sticked with this book, through 50 something parts. It's been a long two year journey.

There's been unstated hiatuses, due to the stress of school, and I'm sorry for those.

If you're someone who has somehow stuck with me and this book throughout two years, although I doubt it, I thank you.

Motivation comes and goes, along with inspiration. I will be happy knowing that this book is done.

Am I proud?

There's so many things in this book, whether correct or wrong. Even if it brings me embarrasment, I'll take suggestions from previous comments for the rewriting.

Saying that I've finished this brings warmth to my chest.

The rewriting will be published sometime this month, probably not next week though since I rather take a break.

If you have any questions, leave comments. But first, I have a question for you as well, I have the prequel planned, as you should know if you've read Author's Notes, shall I write that first since this series is done or shall I rewrite first and then write the prequel?

Once again, I say thank you. You are my motivation to keep going.

The Newbie ~ Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now