Chapter One

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College classes were beginning to get stressful so, I decided to go back to the pub. Maybe preform a new song I've been working on? This song was at a quicker tempo than the previous songs I preformed. This time was different, I somehow managed to get a couple of my friends to come up on stage and play with me, so I wasn't alone. We practiced plenty, since I wanted this to be perfect!

"Hello, everybody" people cheer and clap as they hear Brian speak into the microphone. "We've got a few fresh faces. This is John Deacon, our bass player." John quickly waves to the crowd. "Yeah, and our new lead singer...Freddie Bul-Bulsara...Freddie Bulsara." Freddie cuts in "That's right."

"And Roger of course. The biggest member of them all" Brian states. Some girls in the crowd call out to Roger. "Hey, Roger!" Roger smirks. "Hello, all you beautiful people" Freddie says into the microphone, looking around And licking his lips. Suddenly there's a shout from the crowd, "Where's Tim? Who's the Pakkie?" The crowd started to laugh and murmur about the singer. Roger calls out to Freddie "Ready, Freddie?" Freddie looks at Roger "Lets do it."

Brian starts off the song with a guitar rift as Freddie picks up the tambourine from the floor, hitting it against his hip. While still keeping a rhythm, Freddie grabs the microphone stand and tries to pull it up to his level but I doesn't move to where Freddie wants it.

Patting my friends on the back, who were talking and drinking, they turned to me. I pointed to the stage "Look guys". They look up at the stage and see Freddie struggling with the microphone and start snickering along with the crowd. I hit them and told them to stop being rude and to watch them. 

While Freddie continues to struggle with the stand, his bandmates looked annoyed. He grabs the microphone, pulls it toward him and starts to sing

Keep yourself alive

With one more yank on the microphone, Freddie stops playing the tambourine and swings the stand that held the microphone, which almost hit John who continued to play. Freddie looked at the microphone before smiling as he continued to to play the tambourine. He looked more confident as he walk and danced around stage. His long hair bouncing on his shoulder as he struts on stage like no one was watching. He made it hard for anyone to turn away not knowing what he'll do next.

I was told a million times

Of all the troubles in my way
Mind you grow a little wiser
Little better every day
But if I rode a million
And I crossed a million miles

"No, no" Brian said
Still be where I started

"Wrong lyric!"
Bead and butter for a smile

"Wrong lyric."
Sold a million mirrors

Brain looked back at Roger, both equally annoyed, but both continued to play.

In shopping alley ways
But I never saw my face
In any window any day
Now they say your folks
are telling you
Be a super star
Tell you,
just be satisfied
And stay right where you are
Keep yourself alive
Keep yourself alive
All you people

As Freddie pointed the tambourine at the crowd
Keep yourself alive

The crowd was getting into the song and so were my friends and I.

"Learn the song, Freddie" said Brian as Freddie leaned his way. Freddie paid no mind to Brian's word and continued to strut around stage. Roger looked at them annoyed, but continued to drum. Freddie would fling his arms in random directions with the tambourine while walking with a pimp in his step across the stage. Freddie's enthusiasm was contagious, and it was spread to the crowd.

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