Chapter Ten

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"In the studio today...singers Frederick Mercury and (Y/n) (L/n)!" Freddie and I sat next to each other, with cigarettes in hand, as Kenny announced our presence. "So what have you got today for us? Have you got a little taste
of the new record?" Asks Kenny. Mary and Paul where outside the studio looking at us from the window.

"We're really not supposed to." Says Freddie pulling out our singles. Freddie waves the singles in front of Kenny teasingly. "Oh, forbidden fruit? Don't tempt me!" Kenny snatches the singles from Freddie and reads the tittle. "Oh, 'I'm in Love with My Car!'" Freddie cut Kenny off "Other side." Kenny flips the record over and reads the title " 'Bohemian Rhapsody' " Kenny turns to our solo "And 'Ballroom Blitz'!"

"I didn't know Freddie knew Kenny so well." Says Mary, who kept looking at us. I scoff and puff out smoke "The BBC won't play it." Paul shook his head smiling "Nor did I." Kenny turned around in his chair and put the record on the record player, setting it up.

"In fact, no one will play it on the EMI won't release it." Explains Freddie. "What's wrong
with these songs?" Asks Kenny, curious. "Nothing's wrong
with it at all." I smirk. Freddie picked up his champagne glass "Except that it's six minutes and theirs is four minutes long." He says, exaggerating. "Six and four minutes?" Says Kenny.

"You'd have to be mad
to play it." Says Freddie. "Oh, you'd have to be bonkers." States Kenny. "I positively forbid it." I say picking up my champagne glass. "Let's hear it." We toast, Freddie and I drink. "Ladies and ladies...a Capital Radio exclusive...
for the first time ever" Mary looks at us and we give her a smile. "...Bohemian Rhapsody and after Ballroom Blitz!" Kenny turns around and plays the song before turning back to us for a chat.
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
"...contrived..."- Melody Maker
"...meandering and meaningless..."
"...continues to come off as a wannabe Led Zeppelin..."
"...they use instrumental effects which hint at opera in the same way that bad movie music palely evokes the symphony..."
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
"...unfortunately.. not the stuff of sonnets..." - Time Magazine
"...Queen desperately struggles to cement their 'seriousness'..."
"...a song that should be sunk to the bottoms of the sea and never heard from again..."
Open your eyes
"...a brazen hodgepodge..."- Rolling Stone
"...a dull pastiche..."
"...pompous and overlong..."
Look up to the skies and see
"there's scarcely a shred of tune and certainly no line to latch onto"- Record Mirror
"...a pretty empty...all flash and calculation without soul..."
"...a song that has no chorus and attempts at least six desperate genres in six minutes..."
"...perfectly adequate..."

Edinburgh 1976

So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye
The crowd cheered as we sang and played together.
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
They held banners with our names on them and waved them around in the air for us to see
Oh baby can't do this to me baby
Me and Freddie wore ridiculous harley quinn outfits with a leather jacket, John and Samuel just wore regular clothes while Brian and Josh wore a shirt that looked like they had wings if they raised their arms up, and Roger and Jones wore open shirts to show off their chest.
Just gotta get out just gotta get right outta here

Paul turned to Mary for a quick second "How much do they love him?Can't get enough."

Nothing really matters
As we finished the song, the crowd swayed side to side with their arms in the air.
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me
I look out into the crowd smiling, Josh and Brain come up beside me and finish the last notes. Meanwhile Roger and Jones got up from their drum set and walked over to the gong.
Any way the wind blows
Once Brian and Josh stoped playing, Jones and Roger raise their arms and swing as hard as they could and hit the gong, finishing the song.

Here I stand (here I stand)
Looked around, around,
around, around, around
New York City
But you won't see me (but you won't see me)
Santa Monica
Now I'm here (now I'm here)
Now I'm there (now I'm there)
I'm just a
Every concert had Freddie and I is different wacky outfits. We didn't care as long as our fans liked our music. Freddie and I strut around the stage, occasionally walking around each other and getting close to the audience.
Just a new man
Yes, you made me live again
"Tom, Jerry, can you hear me?" Asks Freddie speaking into the phone.
A baby I was when you took my hand
"Freddie, when do I get to see you?" Mary wonders.
The light of the night burned bright
"I'll be home soon, darling. Will you put Romeo on the phone so I can tell him I miss him?" Freddie says smiling.
The people all stared didn't understand
"Do you miss me?" Asks Mary, Smiling and petting of of their many cats.
But you knew my name on sight
"What a stupid question.
Of course I do." Says Freddie. He looks over at Paul, who was with what seemed to be a younger boy, and turned back to the pay phone.
Ooh, whatever came of you and me
Both Freddie and Mary are silent for a moment.
America's new bride to be
"I love you." Whispers Mary, smiling slightly. "Good night." Freddie hangs up the phone and walks to Paul and the boy, they notice Freddie and walk off with him.

"Anyone seen, Freddie?" I ask the guys. "I was going to ask everyone if they wanted to go for a drink." The guys shake their head. "I think he left to go call Mary, but that was a while ago." Says Brain. "Well we cant let one person ruin the fun, now can we?" I say laughing.

"I'm down for a beer or two." Says Jones. "Yeah, me too" states Roger. "Alright then let's go." Getting up, we walk to the nearest pub and just hangout and dance.

Roger and Jones found girls and left the dance with them. Josh, John, Samuel and Brian decided to just say near the bar and chat. Sighing I ask the bartender for another drink.

The bartender handed me the drink and I thanked him. "You look a little lonely, mind if I join you?" I look to my side and see an attractive guy. Wow, okay (Y/n), don't mess this up! "Sure, I don't mind." I say smiling.

"I'm Sebastian Stan, and you are?" They said taking their hand out. I kept smiling "I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." We shook hands and continued to conversate. I learned that we actually had a lot in common, from favorite movies to our deepest insecurities.

I ended up telling him that I was in a band called The Loners and we preform with Queen. He looked at me in surprise and realization, telling me all about how he loved our bands music and that he is huge fans of us. The interesting part about me telling him this was that, he didn't care for my fame and money. Although he was a fan, he talked to me like I was just an ordinary person. He didn't care for my status. Knowing he didn't care for who I was in the media, made me unbelievably happy. We continued to laugh and had fun the entire evening.

As the night went on, we drank and talked before I was tapped on the shoulder. "I think we should get going back to the hotel, (Y/n)." I turned around and saw Samuel. I nodded before turning around to Sebastian. "Give me your hand." He says before turning to the bartender and asking him for a pen or marker."What for?" I asked asked, giving him my hand. He takes the marker from the bartender and pulls my hand closer to himself before writing.

' (xxx)xxx-xxxx Phone me sometime. I'd hate to not see you again' - Seb'

I stood up and faced him, giving a grin. "It was nice knowing you. Hopefully we can go out for coffee tomorrow if you don't have a hangover?" He asks with hopefulness in his voice. Looking down at my hand, I read what he had written "Definitely, love." He looked at me with a smile on his gorgeous face. As if he couldn't get anymore it me or are his icy blue eyes starring directly into my soul...

Shaking my head of inappropriate thoughts, I turned back to Samuel. "Let's go before they do something dumb and I have to clean up their mess." Samuel turned around and walked towards the guys, I followed right behind him.

What I didn't know was that he watched me walk off with a smile on my face. While we walked back, I knew it wouldn't be my last time seeing the man known as Sebastian Stan.

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