Chapter Three

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First person POV

Sitting in my room, blasting The Beatles at 8 o'clock in the morning, probably isn't a good idea. Yet here I am in a room filled with paper crumpled into balls that were failed art work for the bands logo. Frustrated and exhausted, I sighed and pulled at my hair. "No matter how hard I try of coming up with fuckn' ideas for the bloody logo it doesn't work out!" Hitting my head against the desk multiple times I hear knocks on the door.

Getting up slowly from the desk I make my way to the front door. "Hello?" Upon opening the door I'm tackled into a hug by Samuel. "(N/n), did you forget it's Freddie's birthday today?" Said Jones. Groaning I looked at the boys. "Woah, (n/n) you look like shit!" Laughed Josh. Walking back to my room,the boys followed me. "Oh ha ha guys very funny" I rolled my eyes and open the door to my room.

"What's all this?" Questioned Josh. I walked to my closet to pick out something I'll wear to the small get together. "Some sketches on the logo for our band" I replied. Picking up the papers off the floor while I dressed in the bathroom, the boys looked at the drawings amazed.

"I didn't know (y/n) could draw so well" Said Jones astonished. "Yeah, you 'n me both, mate" replied Josh. "Well that's our talented (n/n) for ya" said Samuel. "So guys how do I look?" I asked them.

Coming out of the bathroom in a dress shirt tucked into my skinny jeans. "Is it to much?" I asked again. "No,no,no it's perfect (y/n)!" Said Jones. "Yeah you look fuckn' sexy, mate" said Josh. Laughing I slapped Josh's shoulder. "Oh shut up you twat." Samuel looked at me "Not bad (y/n)." Rolling my eyes I looked at them "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah whatever. Let's go." We walk out of my flat and get into Jones's car. "Off to Freddie's place!" I yell. "Yes, sir" they said in unison.

We pull up to Freddie's place and get out. "You sure this is it?" Jones asked. "That's the address I was told" responded Josh. "Well then, let's knock" I said. We walk up the front steps. "Someone has to knock" stated Samuel. "Rock, Paper, Scissors?" I asked.

We put our hand out. "On three okay?One...two...three!" We look at our hands. "Bloody hell" Said Samuel. Josh, Jones and I had rock. Samuel picked scissors. He cursed under his breath at us as he knocked on the door. Not long after we knocked a young looking girl opens the door.

"Um is this the Bulsara residence?" Samuel asked nervously. "Freddie your friends are here!" Yelled the girl. "Hello, I'm Kashmira, Freddie's sister". We all let out a breath knowing we had the right address. Freddie walks into eyesight and lets us in "Welcome to my humble home, darlings!" Smiling we walk in and greeted everyone.

We all sat around the table as everyone was listening to Mary's story or in their own conversation.  Mary would vocalize for her father as he signed to us because he was deaf. "When I was a little girl...I used to run around the house....And he couldn't find me. Clever girl." Mary finish and we smiled listening.

Freddie turned to Mary "Please tell your fathers it's nice to meet him." Mary looked at Freddie " I have." They went back and forth. "Then thank him for the birthday cake" Mary continued to look at Freddie "I have." Freddie smirked then lowered his voice "Then tell him his daughter's is an epic shag." Mary looked embarrassed "Freddie, he can read lips." Jones who was sitting next to Freddie, chocked on the tea he was drinking while across the table Mary's father looked at Freddie with anger.

Out of the blue Freddie's mother spoke "Marry... I have waited for bring home a nice girl like you." We looked at Freddie's mother confused. "Farrokh?" Questioned Mary. She looked at us "Did Farrokh not tell you
he was born in Zanzibar?" Mary looked at Freddie "No, he did not." Roger then spoke up "I used to know a girl." Josh joined in "who was Zanzibari?" John looked at Freddie's mother in confusion

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