Chapter Nine

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Nothing really matters
Nothing really matters to me
Anyway the wind blows

Roger smirks as Jones pats his shoulder. Ray sighs "Christ." Freddie smiles with his tongue pushing against is cheek as he gets up and stops the tape. "Well...
I'm not entirely sure...that's the album you guys promised us."

Freddie looked at Ray and walked back and forth in front of his desk "No, it's better than the album we promised you. It's better than any album anyone's ever promised you, darling. It's a bloody masterpiece." Ray just looked at Freddie "Christ."

"It is a good album, Ray." Says Reid. "We prefer "masterpiece." " Says Roger. "It's expensive,
and as for Ballroom Blitz and..."Bohemian..." Ray cut himself off not knowing how to pronounce the title. "Rhapsody." Speaks up Brian.

"Rhapsody, Blitz. What is that?" Ray questions. "It's an epic poem." Explains Freddie. "And a hell of a song that will make you want to do the Blitz." I state. "It goes on forever. Six bloody minutes. As for the other song, it's four minutes." I light a cigarette "I pity your wife if you think six or four minutes is forever." Paul sniggers, Reid looks at him. "I could last a whole day, let alone six fucken minutes." I continued, letting out a puff of smoke.

"And do you know what? We're going to release it as our singles." States Freddie. Ray chuckles ignorantly "Not possible.
Anything over three minutes...and the radio stations won't program it, period. And what on earth is it about, anyway?" Freddie walked to the window and looked outside of it. "Scaramouche? Galileo? And all that "Ismillah" business! "Ishmillah"?" Asks Ray.

"Bismillah." Says Freddie, who continues to look out the window.
"Oh, aye. Bismillah. What's it about, anyway? Bloody Bismillah?" Samuel looks at Ray "True poetry is for the listener."
"It ruins the mystery if everything's explained." Says Brian, annoyed.

"Seldom ruins sales. Three minutes is the standard." Brian and Jones leaned down towards us as Freddie sat down in the chair and took out a cigarette. Freddie signals for me to give him my matches. I reach over John and give Freddie my matches, who lights his cigarette.

Ray looks at Reid to help him "John." Everyone turned to Reid as he looked at us "Yeah, we need radio. Format is three minutes, I have to agree with Ray. I actually think the single's Love of My Life. And One"

"No." States Jones, shaking his head. "Okay, how about John's song...You're My Best Friend?" John looks at Reid from the corner of his eye. "You know? "Ooh, you make me live." Catchy, stronger." I shake my head "It's a great song don't get me wrong John, it's about your lovely lady Veronica, but it's not something our audience will heavily jam out to."

"What about I'm in Love with My Car and Drain You?" Smiles Ray. Both Roger and Jones turn to us with a face. "You're joking!" Says Brian. "Oh, Jesus." Says Josh. John just rolls his eyes. "Oh, for fucks sake." I curse.

"I love it." Says Ray before Freddie hits the table as hard as he could with the bottom of his shoe, looking at Ray with an unbelievable expression. "Well,
that's the kind of songs...teenagers can crank up the volume in their car...and bang their heads to." Ray shakes his head.

"Bohemian Rhapsody and Ballroom Blitz will never be that song." Freddie just looked at Ray. "It's a band decision, Bohemian Rhapsody. That's it." Says Brian. "Ballroom Blitz is and will be our single." States Samuel.
"You're My Best Friend or One of these nights...and it's my money."
"Bo-Rap, period." States Roger

Me and Freddie get up and walk to Ray's desk. "Or we walk." I state, staring Ray dead in the eye.
"MacArthur Park was seven minutes long." Says Paul. Reid looked at Paul. "It was a hit." States Paul once again. "Look, I'm not arguing Bohemian or Blitz whatever's ...musicianship." Says Ray looking at us.

"...Rhapsody." Corrected Freddie.
"But there's no way in hell the station will play...a 6-minute and 4-minute quasi-operatic dirge...comprised of nonsense words! Bismillah?" Ray slams his fist on the desk and raises his voice. "Bullshit! I paid for this record, so I say what goes!"

"Have we no legal recourse on this?" Asks Brian. Miami suddenly stands up and walks towards one of Ray's golden records. "Ray...
you did Dark Side of the Moon,
didn't you?" Ray nods "I did." Miami continued to look at the record. "Yeah, I absolutely
love that record." Ray nods smiling slightly.

"Legally, no. No, he's got all your balls in a vice." Ray stops smiling and nodding his head. "It's a different matter in the court
of public opinion, of course. Ray Foster's a giant name in the music industry, the average person...Say the name Queen or The Loners , on the other hand...ears prick up." As Miami spoke, everyone looked at Ray.

"We're going with You're My Best Friend and One of These Nights." He hits the desk once more. "Done." Freddie shakes his head "No. We know what we have,
even if you don't." Freddie when up to Ray once more and put his cigarette out on the paper, pushing it down slowly so it would leave a mark.

"It's called Bohemian Rhapsody and Ballroom Blitz." We all get up and follow Freddie out the door. I pointed to Ray before I went out the door making sure everyone could hear my statement loud and clear. "You will forever be known as the man who lost Queen and The Loners."

We walk out of the building with Miami hot on our trail. Inside the room Paul sighs as Reid chuckles
"Temperamental artists, eh?They're well aware they're tied to a contract...but who knows what goes on...inside the inscrutable mind of the recording artist?" Ray cuts Reid off.

"Mark these words.If they're not the end of the year... no one will know the name Queen or The Loners." Just then a brick is thrown at the window breaking it. "Christ!" Ray shouts ducking. The two bands outside laugh. Paul runs to the window and opens it, Ray looks out the broken window.

"You can take that out of our royalties! Twat!" Freddie shouts pointing at Ray. "Wanker!" Shouts Ray. "You can shove your gold disks! You made a mistake, Foster!" Brian shouts as the rest of us laugh. "Arsehole!" Freddie shouts another insult. "You'll never have a gold medium talent!" Ray shouts. Before the boys could walk away, I call out to them.

"Hold on guys, Josh, Jones, Samuel, follow my lead." I look at the window. "Oi! Ray!" My shouting caught Ray's attention as he looked out the window towards us once more. "You can kiss my arse you fuckn' dick!" I turn around quickly and pull down my pants down to show my entire ass at Ray, slapping it before pulling my pants back on.

Jones, Samuel and Josh caught on to my actions and followed my lead and pulled down there pants, slapping their ass to taunt Ray. Ray turns to Paul "And to think, I worked with Hendrix."

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