Chapter Fifteen

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London 1982
Cameras flash as we talked about our new albums Hot Space and Distraction. We don't like doing interviews or press conferences. The media is always up our ass about our private life but that's the price we pay for being known.

"Freddie! Freddie! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!(Y/n), Freddie,as the leaders of Queen and The the leaders of Queen and The you two feel responsible for the success of the band?"

I scoff loudly "We are not the leaders of Queen and The Loners, We are only the lead singers." Replies Freddie. The reporters all yell Freddie and I's name, hoping to get their questions called. "Freddie, (Y/n)! A question for Freddie and (Y/n). Do you ever
doubt your talent?" The reporter asks. "No, that's a stupid question." I retort.

Brian looks at us "Take it easy, guys." Freddie finishes the last of his drink "What's next?" A critic yells out his question "Freddie, uh, your teeth! Why don't you
get your teeth fixed?" Freddie puts his cigarette out "I live in Britain.
I don't want to stand out." The press laughs. "Next..." Josh is cut off my Freddie. "Why don't you have your manners fixed? That's an asshole question to ask anybody."

Brian mutters "That's an asshole question." A journalist leans forward in his seat and asks Freddie a question "In your song Life Is Real, what do you mean
by the line..."Love is a roulette wheel"? Are you implying that
the more partners you have...the more chances you have of... contracting something?"

Freddie looks at the man I'm confusion "What? I don't know, I haven't figured out love yet." The man presses on "But it implies something else, Freddie." Freddie looks at Roger and Jones "That might be a better question for Rog and Jone." They both take a puff from their cigarette "Watch it."

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Why is it that you, a woman, is the lead singer for a popular rock band?" I lean forward, closer to the microphone "I don't know. Why is it that your being a sexist prick, a-whole? I can do whatever I want." I spat.

The press murmurs before going back to asking questions. "Freddie, concerning your private life...there's lots of pictures of you in the tabloids...looking drunk or ill." They explain. Freddie tilts his head to show his eyes a bit "Which one is it, ill or drunk?"

"Me and Josh had a cold last week, if anyone cares." Says John.
"As much as we'd love to answer
questions about colds...I'd like to speak about the album. If anyone's got any questions about the music?" Said Brian. Freddie takes off his sunglasses to rub his eyes before placing them back on.

The press discard Brian's request and pins after Freddie and I "Freddie! (Y/n)! Freddie! (Y/n)!
Freddie! (Y/n)! Freddie! (Y/n)!Freddie, your parents...they're conservative Zoroastrians. And (Y/n) your parents are stick to the gender role socialization if I'm not mistaken. I wonder, what do they make of your public personas?"

"Is that music..." Brian is cut off my Freddie "My parents died in a fiery wreck and her parents abandoned her on the side of the road when she was young." The reporter shakes his head "I happen to know that's not true, is it? I just wanted to know whether
they were proud of you two."

Freddie freezes for a moment and point at the reporter with a another cigarette "Are your parents proud of you? Is this what they hoped for?" The reporter nods his head "I hope that they are." I scoff and look at the reporter "I surely don't think so."

"Anyone wanna talk about the album?" Asks Samuel. "Freddie! (Y/n)! Freddie! (Y/n)! Freddie!
Could you answer my questions please?" Freddie and I just shake our heads "This better be good."

I slam my fist on the table "Shut up!" My nostrils flare in frustration. The press quiet down. Jones places a hand on my knee "Calm down, (N/n). You can't stress out the baby." I breathe out slowly to calm myself down.

"Freddie, could you tell us about the rumors concerning your sexuality? And (Y/n) can you tell us about your manstress that's in the tabloids?" I look at everyone and mouth, my what? They too look at me confused. Freddie gives her a remark instantly.

"What about the rumors concerning your lack of sexuality?
I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear." The female reporter press on "Can you answer the question?" I look at her "I have no manstress nor will I ever have one. I love my husband and that is that."

Freddie takes a puff of smoke "What's your name, dear?"
She immediately responds
"Shelley Stern." Freddie looks at Shelley "Shelley." She nods "Yes."

"That thing between your legs,
does it bite?" Another reporter laughs loudly "Hah!" Freddie takes off his glasses and wipes the sweat off his forehead, placing them back on. The press continued to shout at us.

"Could you answer the question,
please?" Asks Shelley. "We're here as a courtesy." Speaks John. "You know, there's four of us up here." Says Freddie. "What are you afraid of, Freddie?" Freddie stammers "What do you want?"

"What is the truth? Can you be honest for once?" Freddie once again wipes the sweat from his forehead. "Why are you lying
about your parents, (Y/n), Freddie?" Freddie shakes his head
"I'm not lying about anything. I just, I'm..."

"Your fans deserve to know the truth, Freddie, (Y/n)." I was starting to get stressed out and I knew I couldn't be out here longer if this conference was going to be like this. "It doesn't matter if we tell you the truth, you'll just twist the story so would look like we've done something wrong."

"Can you answer the question,
please?" Repeats Shelley. "This is our business." Freddie stammers. Freddie's comment didn't stop the comments from the press.

"No, you're both public figures."

"What are you afraid of,
Freddie, (Y/n)?" Press Shelley. "Nobody." I spat.

"Your parents?"

" 'Can you tell us about..."

"Your sexuality and that's your a cheater?" Press Shelley once more. "What? Why, why..." Freddie takes off his glasses and looks around the room.

"Can you just be honest?"

"Contracting something."

"Your fans deserve to know the truth."

The press continued to ask questions at once and take pictures.

"Our readers want to know."

Freddie snaps "What do your readers want to know? They want to know what?" Freddie yells, standing up suddenly. "Freddie! Sit down I'll deal with them." Freddie sits back in his chair.

"That's it The is conference is over! Unless you want to be the reason why I lose my child. And trust me, you don't know what power I have to make each and every one of you suffer." The press was quiet as I stood up and walked out of the room. The rest of the guys, not including Freddie, thanked them for coming and left after me.

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