Chapter Seventeen

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Mami and Freddie sat in silence before Freddie spoke up. "Where are they?" He asks. "They're late." Replies Miami. Freddie nods looking straight ahead.

Someone knocks on the door breaking the silence once more. In walks Brian, Samuel, Roger, Josh, Jones and John. "Hi, guys."

Brian nods "Jim." Freddie straightens himself on the chair.
"If anybody wants any tea, coffee...bladed weapons...just ask." The boys sat down as John closed the door. "Where is, (Y/n)?" Asked Freddie.

Samuel sighed "Don't know really know. We haven't seen her in a long time." Josh nods "She hasn't really talked to us after what happened." Jones lights a cigarette "And if she did, she would say she's busy with the kids." Freddie looked down ashamed from causing one of the most important person in his life to be upset.

"So...who wants to go first?" Asked Miami. "I'll start." Stated Freddie. "I've been hideous. I know that, and...I deserve your fury. I've been conceited...selfish.
Well, an asshole, basically." Roger looked at Freddie "Strong beginning."

"Look, I'm happy to strip off my shirt...and flagellate myself
before you. Or rather, I could ask you a simple question." Said Freddie. "I'm good with the flagellation." Said Roger.

Freddie sighed "What's it gonna take for you all to forgive me?" Brian looked at Freddie "Is that what you want, Freddie? I forgive you. Is that it? Can we go now?"

"No." Freddie paused for a moment "I went to Munich. I hired a bunch of guys. I told them exactly what I wanted them to do...and the problem was...they did it.

Freddie looked at Roger "No pushback from Roger." He then turned to Brian "None of your rewrites." And he looked at John "None of his funny looks."

Freddie licked his top lip "And none of your inputs on what sounds good with what." He said looking at Jones, Samuel, and Josh. "And definitely none of (Y/n) ideas and wits."

"I need you. And you need me." He pats Brian's knee "Let's face it.
We're not bad for four aging queens and loners. So, um, go ahead. Name your terms." Brian looks at Freddie "Could you give us a moment, please, Fred?"

Freddie turns to Miami and slowly gets out of the chair and makes his way outside the office. "Why'd you do that?" Questioned John. "I just felt like it." Brian responded. The guys chuckle.

Miami makes his way out his office and towards Freddie "They'll be all right. They just need a bit of time." Freddie looks down at the floor "What if I don't have time?" Miami turns to Freddie "What do you mean, Fred?" Freddie looks at Miami then looks back down.

John opens the door, cutting Miami and Freddie's conversation short "You can come back in now,
if you'd like." Both Freddie and Miami walk back into the office going back to their seats.

Josh sniffs and clears his throat "We decided...What did we decide?" John spoke up "From now on...every song, no matter
who wrote it, music,'s by Queen. Not one of us, just Queen.
All the money, all the credits, split four ways evenly."

Freddie nods "Done." Jones clears his throat "We have a problem
with the people around you." Freddie cuts in "Paul is out. I fired him."

"On what pretext?" Asked John. "Villainy. What else?" Miami spoke up "Bob Geldof. I called to convince him to squeeze you guys
into the lineup for the Live Aid concert...but he wants an answer now. You have to make a decision.
Every ticket's already sold.100,000 people at Wembley...
100,000 people at JFK Stadium in Philadelphia...a global TV audience around the world of 150 countries...13 satellites. The Olympics only had three."

"We haven't played together in years. It's kinda suicide to play again...for the first time in front of millions." Stated Roger. "Try over 1.5 billion." Samuel corrects. Brian scoffs "Who are these four dinosaurs?" "Where's Madonna?"

"It's a 20-minute set. Everyone gets the same. Jagger, Bowie...
Elton...McCartney, The Who...Led Zeppelin...Phil Collins," Miami grabs a paper and continues to list. "REO Speedwagon...Bob Dylan."

"Certainly good company." Stated John. "Anybody who is anybody
is doing this concert." Miami continued.

Freddie cut Miami off and grabbed everyone's attention "Look. All I that if we wake up the day after this concert...and we didn't do our part...we're going to regret it till the day we die." Freddie paused "Please."

After agreeing the guys decided to pay, (Y/n) a visit to see if she was willing to play at Live Aid. They pulled up at her house and got out of the car.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It could end up badly." Said Josh. Freddie nodded "What's Queen without The Loners." Josh shakes his head and knocks on the door.

Little foot steps could be heard from inside as the door opened. "Uncle Josh!" Yelled James, hugging Josh. "Hey, squirt." Hunter, James's twin, runs over to Jones and hugs him. "Uncle Jones!" Both boys step back before looking at everyone "Mum always said you guys were to busy to come over and hangout." Said Hunter.

"Well we have important band things to talk about with your mum. Do you think you can tell us where she is?" Asked Samuel. James and Hunter nod "She's out back with Apollo and pops."

"Good can you take us to her?" Asked Brian. They nod once more "Just follow us!" With that said the twins ran to their mother. The men followed the children outside to where the rest of the family was.

"James! Hunter! What did we say about running inside the house?" The twins sigh "To not do it." Sebastian raises and eyebrow "And what did you do?" They look up at their father "We ran inside." Sebastian nods "Good, now go and eat with your mom and Apollo." Without another word the boys dash to their mother.

Sebastian shakes his head "What am I going to do with those two." Josh clears his throat "Seems like you're a great father to me." Surprised, Sebastian turns and see the guys standing there. "Oh shit I did expect you guys to be here."

The guys chuckle "Yeah us either. We have to talk to (Y/n) about Live Aid." Said Roger. "Love, where did you put Apollo's toy? He's getting fussy without it." I spoke before noticing we had company. "I'll go get it while you guys talk." Sebastian said walking inside the house.

There was a moment of silence before I turned to the twins. "James, Hunter, can you watch over Apollo while mummy talks to your uncles?" The twins nod running off to take care of their siblings.

"Let's go over here where it's more private." I said walking off to the side as the guys followed. I stop and turn to them "Why are you here? I'm kinda in the middle of spending time with my family if you haven't noticed."

Jones nods "We need you to preform with us at Live Aid, (Y/n)." I shake my head and turn to Freddie "What are you doing here? I thought you said we weren't family and you didn't need us? Huh? Did Paul leave you?" I spat at him.

Freddie looks down "I've made a mistake and I'm here to pay for them. I've fired Paul after taking to long to realize that he was breaking up my family that I have right here. But please (Y/n)...I know that I haven't been the best and we didn't leave of the best terms but can you please at least consider it?"

I bite my lip "Freddie are the biggest pain in my arse that ever lived. You've broken our family into pieces and was a complete and utter dickwad. Why should I believe anything you say? Who knows? Maybe you'll just go back to your old ways and leave us high and dry."

"At least do the concert, (Y/n). If you don't want anything to do with me or Queen after that is your decision. But all I'm asking is that you play with us one last time. I'm not going to beg for your friendship or forgiveness when I know I don't deserve it. So what do you say, darling?" Asked Freddie. "One last time?"

I slap Freddie across the face "That's for everything you've done to not only me...but to John, Josh, Brian, Samuel, Roger, and Jones" I then hugged him as tight as I could "And that's for being a twat you wanker." I looked at the guys.

"Sebastian is cooking BBQ if you'd like to say for lunch. But I'm warning you that our children are trouble makers and will probably start a food fight." The guys just laugh and agree to stay for lunch. I couldn't be anymore happier.

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