Chapeter Five

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The stage crew sat up the stage so Queen and The Loners could preform on the BBC. There were people to act as our crowd, including Mary.

Paul was talking to the director "Listen, I understand." The director was getting impatient with Paul "Hurry up." Paul continued to talk to the man "I understand that it's the policy of the BBC." The director grew annoyed and walked towards us "We have procedures."

Meanwhile Queen was on stage getting ready to preform Killer Queen. Josh, Samuel, Jones and I were in the crowd. We would play after Queen. "This is shit!" Roger said hitting the symbols of the drum frustrated and annoyed. "I need you to explain it to the band, please." Said Paul. The director agreed "Okay, let's make it quick."

Paul called us to gain our attention "Freddie, guys." The man looked at us "Look, chaps, it is going to be playback. Lip synch's all that's required." Jones look at the director "We do know how to play our instruments." Freddie got up in the directors face "You want me and (y/n) to lip synch?" Brian questioned the man "I don't understand why this we can't simply perform live."

The director looked annoyed "The audience will never know the difference." I looked the director equally annoyed "We'll know
the bloody difference." He looked at us fed up "This is the BBC.
That's how things are done around here. All right? Don't be a nuisance." And walked away. "Freddie, it'll be great." Paul turned to Freddie before leaving after the director.

Marry wakes up to Freddie "You'll just have to make sure no one's looking at your lips." Freddie and Mary smiled at each other before Freddie walked towards us. "Well,
the way things are done are a load of bollocks, old chap." Said Roger.

Samuel mocked the director "This is the BBC." John looked at us "I'm relieved." Josh scoffed "You would be." John shrugged "Perfect performance." Not long after Josh, Jones, Samuel and I had to stand off to the side while they lip synced to Killer Queen.

She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
While Freddie was singing John, Brian, and Roger we're pretending to play. Occasionally you can hear Roger hitting the drums

In the studio box where all the backstage people. The director looked at the camera angles and saw that whoever was using camera two was filming Freddie's crotch "Number two, only above the waist." The camera guy continued to film Freddie crotch. "Camera up!Camera two!" The director got fed up and left to the camera guy controlling camera two "No one wants to see this while they're eating their meal." The boys continued play.

Drop of a hat
she's as willing as
Playful as a pussy cat
Crowds at concerts where dancing along to the music Queen played. The Loners would perform there songs as an opening band for Queen or joined them on stage to sing and preform.

Momentarily out of action
Temporarily out of gas
To absolutely drive you
wild, wild
The crowds would cheer as we sang and preformed our well known songs.

"Are you sure we should be doing this? It is violating their privacy" I said looking at everyone. Josh rolled his eyes "Well, if he would have answered the phone we wouldn't have to do this would we?" Samuel just sighed "Someone has to knock." Roger smirked "Not necessarily" Just then, Roger opened the door and knocked afterwards.

"Your phone's off the hook. This is Crystal." Roger said pointing to his groupie. His groupie looked at Roger offended "Cheryl!" Roger waved her off "Oh, that's right. My mistake." Cheryl looked at Mary "Where's your loo?" Mary answered still startled by Roger opening the door. "Uh, just down the hall." Cheryl walked down the hallway.

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