Chapter Four

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John, Jones, and I were sitting on the same side of the table while Josh, Roger, Samuel and Brian sat on the other. We all failed to notice Freddie walk out the door towards us.

"You're sure he said 12 o'clock?" Questioned Roger. Jones, Samuel, Roger, John, Josh, and Brian all made small talk as I sat at the table silently trying to come up with ideas for our band logo.

Samuel rolled his eyes "Yes. "Midday at the pub, don't be drunk." That's what he said." John looked at all of us and saw how nervous we were or anxious, but mostly paid attention to Brian. "You look a bit nervous, Brian." Said John. "John, I'm fine." Replied Brian almost instantly. John pressed on "You're usually
so particular." Jones looked at Brian "You just gotta be cool."

Just as Freddie got to the table a man rudely looks at Freddie and calls him a wanker but we paid no mind to him for Freddie's outfit is what caught our attention. Brian looked at Freddie "Wow! I didn't know it was fancy dress, Fred." At the comment I looked up and saw Freddie's ridiculous choice of clothes.

"I've gotta make an impression, darling." Freddie said smiling. Josh looked at Freddie "You look like an angry lizard." Everyone started laughing at Josh's comment thinking about how true it was. I continued to look at the collar. His collar reminds me of wings, I thought.

"It's your best work." Said John. Samuel and Jones shake their head as roger continued to laugh "Very subtle." John continued to make jokes "You gonna fly away? Can I borrow it for Sunday church?" Wait a minute. "Freddie you absolute genius!" I cried. I started sketching in my sketchbook with the best idea for the band logo in mind.

Everyone was startled at my shout and looked at me confused as they saw me furiously sketching in my book. Jones, Josh, and Samuel look in my direction knowing what I was up to but not knowing what it will turn out to be. "Is she alright?" Questioned Roger. Samuel Laughed "Don't worry about her. She's been trying to come up with a logo for the band that is unique as Queen's." They all looked at me wondering want the logo would turn out to be.

A man pulls up a chair to the table and everyone straightens up in their seats except for me. I was to busy drawing to care for what was happening around me. "So, this is Queen with The Loners. And you must be Freddie Mercury and (Y/n) (L/n). You've both got a gift." He looked at all of us and continued.

"You all have. So tell me...what makes Queen and The Loners any different from all the other wannabe rock stars I meet?" He questioned us. Freddie looked at John Reid and immediately answered "I'll tell you what it is. We're four misfits who don't belong together, playing to the other misfits. The outcasts right at the back of the room...who are pretty sure they don't belong either. We belong to them." Mr. Reid looked at Josh, Jones, Samuel and I, particularly me knowing I was the 'leader' of the band.

Jones cleared his throat to gain the attention of the man "We belong to those who are treated differently or express their true self and are shunned for doing so." Jones looked at the man "We play for those who just don't want to be like everyone else" Samuel added "And we do what we do to make others feel like they have a place is this shitty world." Brian nodded his head "We're a family." Roger pipped in "But no two of us are the same."

Just then a man brings tea to Mr. Reid "Paul. Paul Queen and The Loners...our new signing. Paul will be looking after your day-to-day." Paul looked around at all of us "Pleasure." Mr. Reid continued "If I can get you on the radio...maybe I can get you
on television."

Roger looked at Reid "Top of the Pops?" Reid answered immediately "Hopefully." Freddie pressed on "And then?" Reid looked at Freddie "And's only the biggest television program in the country. No one's ever even heard of you. Look, I admire your enthusiasm. If it goes well, if it happens...I've got a promotional tour of Japan in mind."

Josh looked at Reid "We'll want more." Reid continued "Every band wants more." Freddie immediately answered Reid while looking at him seriously "Every band's not Queen or The Loners." Reid looked at Freddie nodding and smirking before getting up and leaving with Paul.

Everyone let out a breath and hoped that the best is yet to come. "I did it! I finally did it!" I shot up shouting while looking at my finished drawing. Jumping both bands looked at me with surprise and fear.

Grabbing my book, I slam it down in the middle of the table so everyone can see. "Freddie's collar reminded me of wings while the pentagram in the middle was just a little design that I've been trying to put into my other drawings, but just didn't work out well and the fire looking pattern around the pentagram represents the sun. It's comes together...Just like a family should." Everyone looked at the drawing in awe.

My art skills weren't the best, but this drawing was the best yet in my opinion. "Well what do you think? Is it good enough?" I questioned them. Josh, Samuel, and Jones smirk while looking at the picture. "It's perfect" Said Josh. "That's bloody good, (y/n)! Looks badass to me!" Shouted Jones. "It's wonderful, (n/n)" Said Samuel.

Looking at the others I asked once more "So how is it guys? Think it's any good?" Roger looked at me then the drawing "It's amazing (y/n). Where did you learn to draw like this?" I laughed "I like doodling in my free time so I guess I just got better as time went by." John smiled at me "You did an amazing job, (y/n)." I smiled back "Thank you, John."

Freddie looked at it in amazement "Maybe we should change our Queen logo and have you draw it." I wave my hand out frantically "No, No, No, your drawing is much better then mine will ever be!" Brian laughed "This is incredible art work, (Y/n). I really enjoy it. It's the perfect logo for you guys." Laughing I looked at the draw. Took me forever to think of this, but I'm glad everyone liked it, I thought.

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