Chapter Eighteen

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"The kids are finally asleep, love." I said, walking into the bedroom. Sebastian looks at me and smiles "Thanks, hun." I give him a quick peck on the lips and look at the tele. "What are you watching?" Sebastian moves his gaze from me to the television. "Just the news."

Sebastian raises the volume "Every day, in San Francisco, two more men hear the grim news...
"You have AIDS, there's no cure."
Since doctors in France and America isolated the virus in 1983...research has proceeded at a frantic pace. The method used by the virus to destroy the body's immune system...has been discovered...but a cure still seems
many years away."

There's no time for us

"A major breakthrough has been a new blood test..."

There's no place for us

"that should ensure that in future...nobody contracts AIDS
from a blood transfusion. But it's only just been approved for use."

What is this thing that builds our dreams
Yet slips away from us?

Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever?

There's no chance for us
It's all decided for us
This world has only one
Sweet moment set aside for us

We decided to practice our performance for Live Aid in a studio where there was a good echo. Freddie's voice throughout singing 'Hammer To Fall' was cracking and raspy. I just continued to sing, hoping that his voice would cooperate.

Convinced our voices can't be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder and louder
What the hell are we fighting for?
Ah, just surrender and it won't hurt at all

"Yep. Mmm-hmm." John stoped playing the bass as well as Josh, Brian, and Samuel. "Let's call it. Yeah?" Asked Brian. Josh nodded "Yeah, yeah." Both Jones and Roger stopping playing the drums and got up from their stools.

"Sorry. I sound like shit." Miami watched us from afar. "You all are lovely, you sound good. Been a while. My throat feels like a vulture's crotch." Says Freddie. We chuckle at the comment. "We still got a week." Said Roger. "We'll get there." Said John

I pat Fred's shoulder "Yeah, we're in a good place, Fred." Jones nods
"You just need a bit of rest, that's all." Freddie looks down nodding

"Get a drink, Rog? Jone?" Asked John. "Yeah, there's a nice little pub down the road, actually." Replied Roger. Freddie looks over at Miami. "Can we come?"

"We're just an exclusive..." Said John. "No, of course not. Invite-only." Said Jones. "Yeah, that's kind of you." Said Josh. I grabbed my bag and was about to walk out the door before I heard Freddie speak.

"Before you leave...Could I have a second?" Freddie said turning to face us. I turn and walk back to everybody else. "Yeah. What's up?" Asked Roger. "I've got it."

"Got what?" Asked John. "AIDS." Said Freddie. We looked at Freddie not knowing what to say. How? Why? What's going to happen to Freddie, I thought. "I wanted you to hear it from me." He says. It was silent for the most part. Brian looked down before looking back at Freddie "Fred, I'm so sorry."

Freddie cuts Brian off "Brian, stop. Don't. For right's between us. All right? Just us. So, please...if any of you...fuss about it or frown about it, or, worst of all... if you bore me with your sympathy...that's just seconds wasted." Silent tears made their way from my eyes. John looked up trying to hold his tears back. Samuel noticed the tears on my face and grabbed my hand gently, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Seconds that could be used making music...which is all I want to do with the time I have left. I don't have time to be their victim...their AIDS poster boy, their cautionary tale. No, I decide who I am. I'm going to be what I was born to be. A performer...who gives the people what they want." Freddie points his index finger up. "Touch of the heavens. Freddie fucking Mercury."

"You're a legend, Fred." I smile wiping my tears away. Freddie smiles "You're bloody right I am. We're all legends. But you're right, I am a legend." We chuckle.

"Now, you give me a chance to get my bitchy little vocal cords in order...and we'll go and punch a hole through the roof of that stadium." Said Freddie. "Actually," started Samuel. "Wembley doesn't have a roof." Finished John.

Again we laugh making the best of this situation. "All right." Brian shakes his head "No, he's right. It doesn't." Freddie smiles and raises his arm "Then we'll punch a hole in the sky."

Freddie walks towards us as we pull him into a group hug. We pat each other's back in comfort. Although it wasn't the best of situations we could only hope that his hug brought comfort to us.

"Now, even though you're crying
like seven little girls...I still love you." Said Freddie. "All right, enough of this." I Said laughing.
"All right." Says Jones. "Drink?" Asks Brian. "Yes!" Shouts Josh.
"Or ten?" Said John.

"Actually guys...I might need to sit out for this one." I said pulling my bag further onto my shoulder. "What? You never turn down a drink, (Y/n). What gives?" Said Roger. Jones nods his head "Yeah, you don't drink when you're pregnant so why can't you go out for a drink?"

I snort "Are you really that draft?" Samuel's eyes widen "You're pregnant?!" I smile "Say hello to Baby number four." Freddie pulls me into a tight hug. "Darling, you and Sebastian need to slow down. You two are like fuckn' rabbits."

I hit Freddie's shoulder "Freddie!" I shake my head "This is my last one, I promise. Well...hopefully" I laugh. Roger grabs my arm "How far along?" I looks down and count my fingers "About four an' a half if I'm not mistaken."

"Is that why you're wearing baggy clothes?" Asked John. I nod my head "I'm starting to show a bit." Each member placed a hand on my slightly swollen stomach. I laugh "If you are expecting a kick from the little one I'm going to have to say that unfortunately that doesn't come until later on in the pregnancy."

"Well, we'll go out for a drink to celebrate our little (N/n) getting shagged from her husband and creating another beautiful baby." Says Freddie. I sigh smiling "Whatever works for you." The boys cheer as we leave the studio and down the street to the pub for a drink or two...or ten.

I wouldn't ask for a better family then this, I think with a smile plastered on my face.

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