Chapter Fourteen

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Everyone was present and doing their own thing minus Freddie. Brian and Samuel were playing ping pong, while Josh, Roger and I sat on the couch. John sat in a chair near the drum risers

"We're a rock and roll band. We don't do disco." Argues Roger. "It's not disco." Deaky explains calmly but frustrated. "Then what is it?" Asks Brain who stops playing ping pong with Samuel.
"It's Queen."

"So sorry, my darlings! Lost all track!" Freddie speaks from the sound box. "You fired Reid without consulting us! You don't make decisions for our bands. And (Y/n), why didn't you stop him?" Fumes Roger. "Hey." Brian puts his hand to tell Roger to calm down. "I tried but he was to shit faced to even pay attention to me."

"Well, I'm terribly sorry, dear. It's done.Besides..." Freddie walks into the studio and straight to Miami's desk, putting out his cigarette. "Miami will manage us." Miami chuckles nervously. "Won't you, darling?" Miami looks up from his work. "Erm... I'll think about it."

"No." Brian looks at Freddie dead in the eye. "Are you high again?" Freddie turns his head to Brian. "Well done, Columbo." I sigh "You need to slow down, Fred." Freddie then turns to me "Oh, don't be such a bore. I'm here, aren't I?"

"Are you?" Asks Roger. "I don't care if you're shit-faced. As long as you can sing." John gives all of us a copy of the song and goes back to his bass. While watching John give us his new song, Samuel gets up and also hands us a song. "Might as well." He shrugs.

"No, John, I don't wanna play it. At least Samuel's song is still rock n' roll" Argues Roger once more. "Then I'm all for it." States Freddie. Paul chuckles at Freddie.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Asks Roger. "I'm tired of
the bloody anthems. I want the energy in the clubs." Paul nods to Freddie's statement. "The bodies,
I want to make people move."

"You mean disco?" Questions Josh. "Why not?" Pips in Paul.
I glare at Paul "Do you mind pissing off?" Jones also glares at Paul "This is a band discussion. For not only Queen but The Loners as well."

"Drum loops? Synthesizers?" Spits Roger. Freddie shrugs "If you say so." Roger stares at Fred "It's not us!" He shouts. "Us?" Questions Roger in disbelief. "It's not Queen! Or The Loners!"

"Queen is whatever I say it is! As for The Loners, it hardly even has a say!" Josh, Samuel, Jones and I look at Freddie in disbelief. Brian just scoffs.

Roger gets into Freddie's face "Well, you can play your own bloody drums, then." Freddie puts his hand on Roger's face and pushes him away. "Fred." I get up from my seat.

Roger takes longs strides to Freddie "Okay, let's see how good a boxer you really are!" I step in and hold Roger back "Roger, take it easy! Take it easy! Take it easy." I tried to calm Roger down. While we tried to calm the boys down, Deaky was playing a rift on the bass. Brian held Freddie back "All right, Muhammad Ali."

We heard the rift and turned to John who continued to play "That's...That's quite a cool riff, actually." Says Brian. "Hmm. You wrote that?" Asked Freddie.

John gives us a glare and goes back to playing. "That's really good." John stops playing the bass "Yes, it will be...if you all can just shut up and play." I hit Freddie's arm "He started it." I sigh "Oh, shut up!" Roger stood still as the rest of the guys went to their instruments.

I walk over the drum risers and look at the lyrics. Although Queen and The Loners are two different bands, we always practice each other's songs since we always do concerts and gigs together.

Freddie takes a swig from his beer and hands it to Roger. Walking around Roger, we speak the lyrics.

Steve  walks warily down the street
With the brim pulled way down low

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