Chapter Twelve

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London 1980

"What do you think?" Freddie asks turning around after showing us around his new house. Roger looks at Freddie "Gay-er?" I let out a laugh. Freddie rolls his eyes and points at his mustache "Not this, darling, the house. Isn't it amazing?" Freddie walks into the next room "Mary's already moved in next door, so she can visit the cats and me."

"Uh-huh." Roger and I walk through the doorway towards Freddie. "Each cat will have
his own room. Delilah's by the kitchen...Miko's next door.
Tiffany, Oscar, Romeo, all upstairs. Lilly's room is even larger than this one! Spoilt thing." Freddie looks at us smiling. "Well, I'm not sure the echo is quite
pronounced enough." I state smiling.

"Eh-oh!" All three of us chuckle. Freddie puts his hands on our shoulders "Oh, I knew
you'd appreciate it. Stay for dinner. Anything you two fancy." Roger straights up and stares at Freddie "I can't. Wife, kids, you know."

Freddie looks at me with a look of hope in his eyes "What about you, darling?" I shake my head "I'm sorry Freddie but I promised Sebastian that I wouldn't be out to long. You know, with the condition I'm in." I place a hand on my swollen stomach.

Freddie nods his head, with a frown on his face understanding "Of course." Freddie then smiles once more and pats our shoulders "Well, come on. We'll eat off the floor. It's clean enough." He states.

"Another time, Fred." States Roger. Roger looks at Freddie and pulls him into a tight hug before saying his goodbyes. "I should probably get home soon. Roger is my ride and who knows what that husband of mine would say if he's pregnant wife isn't home." I look at Freddie and go on my toes, kissing his cheek.

Grabbing his hand, I rub circles on his knuckles "Stay out of trouble, Freddie." I give him a hug before walking out towards Rogers car. Opening the door to the car, I look back and sigh. "Don't lose sight of who you are, Freddie...please."

This thing called love, I just can't handle it
Freddie walks down the stairs in a king outfit and joins the party.
This thing called love, I must get round to it
Paul smiles at Freddie as he comes down the stairs and takes his robe "Fill me up, will you, Trixie?" The waitress hands Freddie a glass of champagne.
"Marvelous, Fred! You've outdone yourself!" Says Reid. Freddie walks down the corridor "Thank you, John."
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love
Freddie is stopped by a preformer who hands him two small blue gifts raped in a white ribbon.
This thing (this thing)
"I'm so glad you love it!
Mmm. They say money can't
buy happiness, darlings!" Freddie says throwing one of the gifts behind him.
Called love (called love)
Freddie continues "But it does allow you to give it away!" He hands the gift two a lady before continuing to walk.
It cries (like a baby)
In a cradle all night
"I see you and Paul are getting along quite well." Says Reid.
It swings (woo woo)
It jives (woo woo)
"He's Trixie now...'cause he's always up to something." Says Freddie, clinking his glass with a guest.
It shakes all over like a jelly fish
"So, tell me, Rog...what's the sexiest part of a car?" Asks Brian. Upon hearing his question I choke on my water as the rest of the guys laugh. Roger rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his drink.
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love
There goes my baby

Freddie sees a girl on an exercise bike and slaps her ass "Ah!"

"Well, well, well!" Freddie cheers making an appearance. "Ah, your majesty!" Chuckles Brian. Freddie spins around "No, I'm not her majesty! We're her majesty, darlings!" Freddie falls back onto the seat, spilling some of his drink.

"Woah!" We all laugh. "Cheers!" Freddie toast. We all hold out our glasses of champagne except for me, who had water "Cheers!Cheers! Cheers!"

"Thank you, my loves!" Freddie looks around the party from his seat. "Rog." Brian and Roger clink glasses. "Where's Mary?" Asks Freddie. I sigh "It's not exactly
her scene, is it, Freddie?" Freddie takes off his crown.

"Hmm. Fabulous, isn't it?" Freddie says, ruffling his hair. "If you say so." States Samuel. It goes quite between us before Paul pours Freddie more alcohol. Roger and Jones see and hold out their glass. Paul turns his head to the side not acknowledging them. The two both lean back in their seat scoffing.

"You're starting to look like each other." Says Brian. "What's wrong with that, Brian?" Asks Paul. "You're supposed to be in a rock band, Freddie." He states. "Not the Village People." Continues Josh. Everyone chuckles "You might want to think about cutting your hair one day." Freddie smiles at Brian. Brian just shakes his head "Never. I was born like this." We all laugh at Brian's comment.

The music changes as Freddie stands up "Come on! Let's dance!" Paul claps "Yes!" Brian shakes his head "I don't dance, Freddie." John holds out his glass "I need a few more of these for that."

"It's my party, and I demand you dance!" Freddie states. Roger and his wife, Dominique, look at each other before standing up "We should go." Freddie looks at Paul "By royal decree!" They both chuckle at each other.

"We're gonna go, actually." States Roger. Jones and his wife, Jennifer, join Roger and his wife. Freddie looks at Roger and Jones "Oh, God! You're both dull. If you two were any more dull, you'd be Deacy and Samuel." Both John and Samuel look at Freddie. Roger looks at Paul "What are you
complaining about? You've got your little pet." He spits out.

Freddie looks at Paul before turning back to the two drummers "I have...and he's loyal. Loyalty's so important. Don't you think, Dominique, Jennifer?" Jones looks at Freddie "Careful, Fred." Paul snickers softly. "Let's go." States Roger pushing past Freddie and Paul, Jones and his wife following. "Where you going?" Freddie asks. "Home." Roger and Jones replied.

Brian, his wife Chrissie, Josh and his wife Emma, stand up. "Just a joke." Brian places his hands on Freddie's shoulder. "Freddie, sometimes you're a total prick." Josh shakes his head at Freddie. Both Chrissie and Emma wish them a goodnight before following their husbands.

Paul turns to Freddie "Forget them. Come on! Your guests are waiting. They all want a little
Mercury in their cup. Come on." Freddie gets up and stands on a table "All right!" Everyone cheers as they see Freddie. "My darlings...the time has finally get absolutely...shit-faced!" Everyone cheers, rasing their glasses. "Whoo!"

Sebastian looks at me and gently grabs my hand "Come on, love. We should get going." I look at Sebastian and look around for Freddie, who was on Paul shoulders "I have to say bye to Freddie first." Sebastian shakes his head sadly "Come on, (Y/n). Freddie's already drunk." I look at Freddie once more and sigh "Yeah, you're right. Let's go home." Sebastian grabs my hand and kisses my temple. "I'm sorry, my love."

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