Chapeter Nineteen

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Day of Live Aid 1985

"It's 12:00 noon in London. 7:00 a.m. in Philadelphia. Wembley welcomes their Royal Highnesses...the Prince and Princess of Wales." The crowd cheers as loud as they could to the announcement.

"And around the world, it's time for Live Aid."

Bob Geldof, the organizer of Live Aid, looked directly into the camera lens. "If you have credit can phone up with
the number you want to give. But you can also pledge cash, and it's very important. There is not enough money coming in...and all these people are not playing
for the good of their health. They're playing for the good of other people's health. So get your money out now!" He slams the table to make his point across.

"And phone up and give us the money. You've got plenty of it, or if you got none of it...get it to people who are dying of starvation. We want to get a million pounds out of this country. On the telephone,
before 10:00 tonight."

Can anybody find me somebody to love?

I looked over to my children. "Mummy as to get going, my little rockstars." Hunter and James pout while Apollo lets out noises of disapproval. "Why can't we come, mum?" Asked Hunter.

I pat the twins head and kiss Apollo's cheek. "Because who's going to help dad take care of this little one?" I said, gently pinching Apollo's cheek. "We know dad will panic at the slightest thing from this one. Plus I need the two strongest boys I know to protect the house."

The twins nod hugging both my legs. "Knock then dead, mum." They said in unison. I laugh and ruffle their hair. "I will."

Sebastian came down the stairs and took a hold of Apollo. "Do you have everything, hun?" I nod smiling. "Yes, darling." Sebastian smiles and leans in for a kiss. It wasn't a rough or needy kiss. It felt like a kiss of love and support.

"I love you." He whispered. I smile and leave a lingering kiss his lips. "I love you too." I look down at my watch. "I'm going to be late." I lean forward and quickly kiss Sebastian on the cheek. "I'll be back before you know it." Turning the knob on the door I walk out to the car.

Sebastian watches his wife leave and closes the door. "How about we watch mommy on the television? How does that sound?" Asked Sebastian. Apollo gurgles in delight as the twins jump with excitement.

We sat in a van as we wait to go on stage. Suddenly a knock was heard. Jim gets up and opens the door to the van. "Hello, Mary!" Greets Brian. "Hi, Brian! We just came to wish you good luck." Says Mary.

Freddie stands up to greet Mary with kisses on the cheek. "Hello, my love." Mary smiles "Hi"

"Mary, David..." Freddie pats Jim in the shoulder and introduces him. "this is Jim. Jim...Mary and David."

Jim greets the couple with a handshake "It's nice to meet you." They both say their hellos. "I'll see you after." Says Freddie. Mar nods as her and David walk to their spots.

Freddie turns the Jim "I don't think you're gonna be able to see anything from here. Join them." Jim nods smiling and joins the couple as Freddie closes the door taking a seat.

The crowd cheers and roars as Freddie sighs. "What do we think of David?" He asks. "Nice chap." Says Samuel. "I think he's gay." I state taking a sip of water. Roger and Jones chuckle.

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