Chapter Seven

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"God damnit it, Jones! How many times do we have to tell you?! It's fucken weird mate!" Josh says, slamming his hands on the bed to get his point across. Samuel, Jones, Josh and I were in mine and Freddie's room discussing the song Jones wrote for the album.

"The album is called 'No Boundaries' and you want to put a song about what, eating human flesh?" Asked Samuel. "Well, I don't see the problem with it. Plus there are 'No Boundaries' to my creativity, bitch." Says Jones. "Chew my meat for you. Pass it back and forth in a passionate kiss, from my mouth to yours? What the fuck kind of lyrics are these?!" Fumes Josh.

I sigh watching them bicker about Jones's song. "It's just a song, Josh. No need to get so bitchy." I state rolling my eyes. "Well what's your song about then, Josh? That's right, it's about masterbation. Oh, and how does it go? I'm gonna call her on the telephone. Have her over 'cause I'm all alone, I need excitement, oh, I need it bad, And it's the best I've ever had? Real classy, mate" scoffs Jones.

"Both of your songs are weird okay? Just drop this nonsense already. I'm getting a headache because of you, dimwits." Samuel says rubbing his temples. "It's to early for the bullshit, guys." I sigh. "I'm going to go down stairs for breakfast. You are welcome to join if you just shut up." I say walking out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Josh, Samuel, and Jones follow after me.

As we walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, we hear the guys arguing. "I put my heart and soul
into this song." Says Roger cutting his breakfast. "No one is disputing that." John says while eating. Roger sees us walking in and hands us our breakfast before walking back behind the counter.
"And you don't like it because you want your songs on the album!" Roger raises his voice pointing at Deaky.

Jones looks at us with a face that just screamed 'we just had this argument about my song'. We all roll our eyes and continued to eat. Deaky just shakes his head "It's not that, Roger." Roger looked at them "Then what is it?"

"I'm in Love with My Car. Maybe it's not strong enough?" Brian says as both him and Deaky give Roger a knowing look. "I think that's a great song, Roger. Just like Drain You." Smirks Jones.

The guys ignore Jones's comment and continue to bicker. "What does that even mean, "not strong enough"?" Questions Roger. Josh looks at Jones with a serious expression. "Drop it, Jones." He growls.

Just then Freddie walks in. "I know I'm late. What did I miss?" Jones looks at Josh "I just think you're jealous of my song because you know it has more potential." Josh rolls his eyes and scoffs.

John lifts his head up "Discussing Roger's car song." I look at Freddie "Don't forget about these two over here on Jones's cannabinol song." Brian puts his hands up in defense "Is it strong enough? That's all I'm asking.
If I'm on my own here, then I apologize."

"How does your new song go,
then, hmm?" Says Roger. "Yeah, Josh, how does your song go?" Taunts Jones, grabbing the paper from Josh's hands. Josh flares his nostrils.

Roger goes up to Brian and snatches the paper with his song lyrics ""You call me sweet...
"like I'm some kind of cheese."" Brian nods "It's good." Roger rolls his eyes "Wow."

"Another girl in the neighbourhood. Wish she was mine, she looks so good." Jones says, reading off of the paper. Josh stands up, his chair scraping against the floor. "I said you fucken drop it, Jones!" Shouts Josh.

""When my hand's on your grease gun..." That's very subtle,
isn't it?" Brian says reading off Roger's paper. Roger looked at Brian with a serious face. "It's a metaphor, Brian."

Jones reached over the table and snatched Jones's paper. " "It is now my duty to completely drain you. A travel through a tube and end up in your infection" Were you on drugs when you wrote this? Wouldn't be surprised if I'm being honest" scoffed Josh, pointing at Jones. "Besides, the only thing you know is sex and drugs." Josh stated laughing sarcastically. "Say that again and I'll fuck you up, mate." Jones spats, looking Josh dead in the eye.

Freddie, Samuel, and I continued to watch both arguments escalate.
John tried not to smile "It's just a bit weird, Roger. What exactly are you doing with that car?" Freddie rolled his eyes. "Children, please. We could all murder each other...
but then who would be left to record this album?"

John spoke up "Statistically speaking..." Samuel was thinking the same as John and finished his thought "Most bands don't fail,
they break up." Freddie looked at the two with a hurt expression "Why the hell would you say something like that?" Both John and Samuel shrug. "Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen." Freddie says looking at Roger before grabbing a pack of cigarettes and leaves.

Josh and Jones gave each other death glares. "You know why
you're angry, Roger?" Questions Brian. Roger looks at Brian "Why?" Brain nods his head "'Cause you know your song
isn't strong enough."

Roger walked to the stove and picked up a handful of bacon. John shakes his head "Not..." Just before John could finish his sentence, Roger threw the bacon at Brian. "Is that strong enough?" He says aggressively.

I tried not to laugh thinking about how Roger just threw bacon at our lovely Brian, who is a vegetarian. Josh smirked at Jones "Hi, I'm Jones, I like to bang on the drums like a fucken idiot and eat human flesh." Jones looked at Josh, clenching his jaw "I'm Josh, and I like to write about masterbation because I can't get a fucken girl or shag." Josh knuckles turn white from gripping the table tightly. "You know the sex term eat out? Yeah well, after I eat ouy my sluts pussy, I cut them up and eat their plump, smooth flesh."

Roger went to the counter where John and Brian were sitting and with a swift motion, Roger swiped their plates off the counter. "What about that?" Crashes and glass breaking was the only sound that could be heard throughout the kitchen.

"Oh look at me! My girlfriend is my hand because it's the only one who can wank me off properly!" Jones laughs in Josh's face. Josh clenches his fist before slamming it on the table. "That's it! I'm gonna beat your arse!" In a blink of an eye, Josh jumps on the table and tackles Jones to the floor.

After Josh jumped on the table and tackled Jones, Samuel and I were surrounded with broken plates and cups. "Son of a bitch." I mutter.

Roger turned around and grabbed the coffee machine and attempted to throw it. "Not the coffee machine!" Both John and Brian shout, pointing at Roger. Roger stops mid throw and places the coffee machine back where he got it from.

Josh pulled at Jones's hair. "I bet you like that, you sick fuck! Or would you enjoy eating my flesh more?!" Jones flips Josh so he's on top. "Oh, I'm the sick fuck?! I'm not the one who wrote about masterbating to some new girl in the neighborhood!"

We all watch as they continued to fight and shout at each other. "I may have wrote about materbating, but who is the right mind writes about cannibalism?! You got something to say to us Jones?! What, you like to eat your shags after you're done eating them out?!" Jones throws a punch at Josh's eye. Everyone winces knowing that's going to leave a mark. "At least I can get a shag! I don't need to use my hand like a fucken loser!" Josh punches Jones in the lip, making it bleed.

Sighing, I look at the boys fighting. "Stop fighting over some stupid song! It's going on the album and that's final!" I shout, already having enough of their childish behavior. They stopped fighting and looked at me. Jones then looks at Josh and smirks. "You can't be serious, (Y/n)!" Josh cried out shouting.

"Deadly. Now both of you stop this nonsense before none of your songs are on the bloody album!" Jones and Josh glare at each other before walking off. Samuel sighed "Is there a gun around, so I can either shoot myself or one of them." I shake my head making my way towards the sink. "If there was I would have already done it." I bent down and opened the cupboard under the sink.

"Found it!" I reached in and grabbed the first aid kit. I stood up and turned to John, Samuel and Brian. "Now, If you need me, I'll be patching up the idiots." Getting up, I start to make my way towards the doorway before stopping.

"And be a dear, and clean up the mess please? We wouldn't want an angry (Y/n) on hour hands, now would we?" I gave them a sickly sweet smile. They shiver before getting up to clean the mess.

Knowing my job was done, I made my way to the boys. All John, Samuel, Roger, and Brian could  hear were the muffled screams and pleads from both Josh and Jones. They cringe once they heard my sadistic laughter.

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