Chapter Six

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Roger checks his watch before rolling his eyes. We were all waiting for Freddie to arrive. John, Roger, Jones and Brian were sitting on the couch while Josh, Samuel and I were standing behind the couch. I click my tongue in annoyance. Why must he always be late, I thought. Ray foster sighs.

Just then the devil himself decided to show "Hello." Freddie says opening the door then closing it. "You're late." Retorts John. Freddie walks towards us "Am I?"

Paul speaks up "We saved you a seat." Freddie places his things down besides the chair and sits "Lovely." Mr. Reid introduces everyone "Okay. So, now that
we're all here...Jim, this is Ray Foster. Ray, this both of the band's lawyer, Jim Beach." Jim nods "Hello."

"You must stop calling him that." Freddie states, lighting a cigarette." Reid looks at Freddie "That's his name." Freddie shakes his head "No, we cannot keep
calling him "Jim Beach. "No, that's absurd, not to mention, unspeakably boring." Freddie takes a puff of the cigarette. "Miami." Brian and Josh let out a breathy laugh. "From now on, I dub thee "Miami Beach." Freddie says.

"The sun always sets behind you, doesn't it? On Miami Beach." Asks Jim. We turn our heads as he speaks before turning back to Ray.
"Hmm, right. Now that everybody's got an acceptable name...let's get to it. Look...we just really need something special.
More Killer Queen and Smoke On the Water...only bigger." Says Ray. While Ray was talking, Freddie picks up a record and walks to the record player.

"It's not bloody widgets we're making. We can't just reproduce Killer Queen or Smoke On the Water." Roger states. "No. We can do better." I said shaking my head. Freddie plays the record and opera music starts playing.

Roger,Jones, Brian,Samuel, Josh, John and I, chuckle softly as the music plays. "It's opera." States Ray. Reid nods "Opera!" Paul echoes "Opera!" John nods his head "There seems to be
an echo in here." Both bands members chuckle once more at the comment.

As we listen to the music Freddie walks behind Ray and hits the desk as the musics tempo picks up. Both Ray and Miami jump. We all try not to laugh. Once again the tempo picks up and we move our fingers to it. Freddie picks up a record from Ray's desk and tosses it.

Brian pick up the record and toss it back to Ray. Freddie walks back around Ray's desk, moving his hands to the music, and lowers it. "See, we don't want to repeat ourselves." Says Brian. "The same formula over and over." Says Jones.

"Formulas are a complete and utter waste of time." States Freddie. Everyone nods to the statement. "Formulas work. Let's stick with the formulas. I like formulas." Says Ray. Everyone looks at him in disapproval.

Freddie goes into thought "We'll call our album...A Night at the Opera." Roger, John and Brian nod in agreement. I look at Jones, Samuel and Josh. "And we'll name our album...No Boundaries"

Ray looks at Freddie "Are you aware that no one actually likes opera?" Jim pips in "I like opera." Ray looks at Jim "Do you?" Reid raises his finger "I do." Ray just looks at Reid

Freddie looks at Ray "No, don't
misunderstand, darling. It's a rock and roll record...with the scale of opera...the pathos of Greek tragedy...the wit of Shakespeare...
the unbridled joy of musical theater. It's a musical experience." Ray nods his head "Yeah." Freddie just continues "Rather than just
another record. Something for everyone...something...Hmm.
Something that will make people feel belongs to them. We'll mix genres, we'll cross boundaries...
we'll speak in bloody tongues
if we want to."

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