Chapter Two

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One year later

Freddie, Josh, and Samuel are waiting at the bus stop. Suddenly, they hear a horn honk and all three of them turn. "You're late."

After John, Brain, Jones, Roger  and (y/n) picked up Freddie, Josh and Samuel in a van. The van's tire pops so they had to pull over...

A man on a tractor casually strolls down the road.

"This is bullocks!" Roger screamed in rage. John and Samuel were trying to get the screws off the tire, both grunted.

"It's counterclockwise, I think you'll find, guys." said Brian. Samuel gave his famous bitch face in response. "Oh is it?" John joined in sarcastically

"Thank you,Brian. Would you like to do it? Please feel free." Brian held his hands out in defense. "No, no, no. Doing a great job." Freddie, Josh, Roger, Jones, Brain and I went around the front of the van as Samuel and John continued to work on the wheel. "We sold out every pub and uni south of Glasgow...and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, eating a ham sandwich!" exclaimed Roger, now oozing with rage.

At this point Samuel and John decided to give up and join the rest of us. "Trouble is, we're just not thinking big enough" said Freddie. "What do you have in mind, Fred?" said Josh. "An album" he replied. "We can't afford an album" John said, in an premeditated agitated tone. "Oh we'll find a way" Freddie said with a smile.

We looked at him confused, but intrigued by his idea.

"How much do you think we can get for this van?"

We all looked at each other like Freddie was crazy. Roger leaned in towards Freddie with a serous face, "I hope your joking".

We ended up selling the car and going to a recording studio, paying the owner in exchange for time in the studio.

"That's three months' wages..." I said.

"And a perfectly good van" said Roger.

"Don't be so dramatic,darling. You're recording an album tonight. Let's go!" Freddie exclaimed, with a giddy jump in his step.

Bring before me what is mine
The seven seas of rhye

Mary, who was Freddie's girlfriend, was sleeping on the couch with one of Roger's groupies as both bands recorded their first album.

The music stopped playing. "Don't you think I sound like shit?" questioned Freddie. Everyone was in the room listening to the songs being recorded. The groupie, Mary, and Josh were sitting on the couch while Roger and Freddie were standing. John, Brian, Roy and I were sitting near the sound board. Samuel and Jones were sitting on the floor. We all looked at Freddie. "No, it's fine." said Jones.

Freddie looked at the man recording us "Can we try it again?" Roy shrugs "Sure, yeah it's your money." Freddie walked out and back into the sound room once the man said yes. "Literally" John, already annoyed tapping his finger.

Freddie tried once again and came back into the room. Once he returned we played back the tape. We all sat there and listened. Roger had moved to sit on the couch with his arm around the groupie smoking with Marry and Jones,Josh, and Samuel were sitting on the floor. As for Brian, John and I, we were still in our seats. John stops the tape to see if Freddie was satisfied with it. "Sounds a lot better" commented Samuel.

"We need to get experimental" Brian suggested, with a sudden burst of passion. Freddie has an idea and walks up to the man. "Try bouncing us left to right for the ah-ah-ahs" says Freddie. What is asked is done.

You are mine I possess you
I belong to you forever
Freddy points left
Then right
Then left again
Then lastly right

As the high notes play I quickly stand up and tell the man " Now dead center for the last." Roger and Samuel quickly stand "And then blast it!" Josh, John, Jones and Brian join in "Yes!" We all start jamming out to the song.

The boys go back into the studio to finish the album up. Brian looks at us through the glass and holds his thumbs up and questions "That's good right?"

We laugh and all of us give Brian a thumbs up. Jones, Josh, and Samuel decide to give them funny faces, only to make them laugh.

Once they were done recording their album, it was our turn to record.

"Are you guys ready?" I looked at Josh, Samuel, and Jones. They turn to me and smile. "Hell yeah we are!"

Laughing we walk into the studio and start recording our album.

We were tired, but had one last song to recording thanks to John, Freddie, Roger and Brian's wonderful ideas.

"It's our last song so let's go out with a bang okay guys?" Jones looked at me then saluted, "Yes, sir!" Josh and Samuel stimulate the same response. "Yes, sir!" Laughing, I looked over to the glass. "From the top!" moving my hand, signaling to the boys to start. John, Freddie and Brian gave me a thumbs up.

(Play song)

Hey, where did we go?
Days when the rains came
Down in the hollow
Playin' a new game
Laughing and a running hey, hey
Skipping and a jumping
In the misty morning fog with
Our hearts a thumpin' and you
My brown-eyed girl
You, my brown-eyed girl
Whatever happened
To Tuesday and so slow?
Going down the old mine
With a transistor radio
Standing in the sunlight laughing
Hiding behind a rainbow's wall
Slipping and sliding
All along the waterfall, with you
My brown-eyed girl
You, my brown-eyed girl
Do you remember when we used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da
Just like that
Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da, la te da
So hard to find my way
Now that I'm all on my own
I saw you just the other day
My, how you have grown
Cast my memory back there, Lord
Sometimes I'm overcome thinking 'bout
Making love in the green grass
Behind the stadium with you
My brown-eyed girl
You, my brown-eyed girl
Do you remember when we used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da
Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da, la te da
(Bit by bit, by bit, by bit, by bit, by bit)
(Sha la la la la la la, la te da, la te da
Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da, la te da
(La te da, da da da da da da da da)

After singing the final melody, we looked at each and smiled with pure enthusiasm. Walking back into the studio, we were welcomed with approving smiles.

"That was amazing, darlings!" Samuel put his head on top of mine, as he was much taller than I am, and the rest of the band came together for a group huddle.

"We couldn't have done it without this one right here" Josh said, pinching my cheek. "Stop it!" I said trying to swat his hand away.

"It's true!" Samuel added. "Without you're amazing talent we wouldn't be here!" Said Jones. I shake my head smiling "Yeah, Yeah whatever."

John, Roger, Freddie and Brian looked our way and smiled with pride. Freddie walks up towards the sound guy as we all huddle around. "Do we have time to stack a few more?" The guy looks at the clock then back at us "The studio opens at 8:00, so we got 30 more minutes." Before he even finished we all race into the room.

We began to experiment with sounds. We'd place things on the instruments like coins on the drums and a can and tambourine on the piano to hear what sound it makes. Going back and forth to see if we could use any of it for either of our albums.

We were so caught up in our experimentation, we failed to notice a man and a woman watch us from the glass. As we kept messing around, the male and female walked into the room as the sound guy recorded the sounds. "Oi, RT, who are those kids in the box?" The man glances at him and turns back to the sound board.

"Two student bands doing some weird stuff." He continues to watch us from the window.

"How about demos? You got some?" the man questions.

The Roy sighs "Been up all night, mate." They turn back to the window to see John and I hit the cymbal, making the lamp cover on the microphone fall. Both Josh and Roger failed to catch it while the rest of us continued to have fun.

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