Chapter Thirteen

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Roger looks at his wife "I want a new boat." Dominique flips through the pages of a magazine "This one is for me." Roger points to the picture "This one." John and his wife Veronica were chatting "Didn't you say we were going to see him?" Asks John. "I've got an hour left." Veronica replies. "Wait. What about this one?" Questions Roger. "No, I think we'll still make that." Says Dominique. "It's a good size." Roger nods.

All the guys we having conversations with their wife's about their children, work, or just where they rather be then here.

I look at Sebastian "What should we name the babies, love? We don't have long until they're here." We found out that not only are we have a baby but we were having twin. Sebastian and I also told that the genders of the children were both male. "I honestly don't know, hun." Sebastian places his hand on my stomach gently "But no matter what we name them, we'll always love them to the fullest."

Brian flares his nostrils "Screw him." Standing up he claps to get everyone's attention "Everyone up
on the drum risers! Up on the drum risers." Chrissie automatically gets up and waves at the others "Come on!" Brian smiles "Thank you, Chrissie.
Showing some enthusiasm." He leans down and kisses her quickly.

"Wives, Husband and everyone, Brian?" Asks John. "Me?" Asks Veronica. "Yes! Come on, John. Everyone." Brian nods "I'm not waiting any longer." Dominique stands up "Let's go." Sebastian grabs my hand smiling "Lets get a move on before the poodle gets angry." I laugh.

Brian walks off the drum riser "Get up." John and Samuel point to their bass.  "Bass?" They question. "No, you don't need it. Get up." Brian kicks John's ass as he walks up on the riser. "Come on, Rog, Jones, take your time." Taunts Brian. "All right." They walks on the riser, joining everyone. "What's this about?" Asks Josh.

"You remember our last concert?
The crowd were singing our songs back to us. I mean, it was deafening, but it was wonderful.
They're becoming a part of our show. I want to encourage that,
so...I've got an idea to involve
them a little bit more. Let's start with this."  Brian then goes on to stomp his feet twice before pausing.

"Stomp to this beat." Brian continues to stomp. "Genius." Retorts John. "Thank you, John. Come on." Brian encourages. Looking at Brian we stomp our feet to the beat. "Good. Now, I want you to clap on the third beat." Brian demonstrates. Freddie walks in and places his jacket on the couch.

We all laugh and giggle, keeping the beat "Don't speed up." Comments Roger smiling. "Rog, keep that time." Brian says pointing at Roger before walking to the piano and playing a note. Brian looks up and notices Freddie on the other side of the piano.

"No Prenter? It's unusual to see you without your clone." Comments Brian. "It's unusual seeing you be so bitchy." Freddie retorts. "It's usually me." Comments Roger. Brian walks back over to us "Ah, you kept time, Rog. Good." Freddie walks over to Brian. "What's going on?" He asks.

We continued to stomp and clap, not speeding up or stopping. "You'd know if you were on time." Says Jones. After Jones makes the comment we stop. "I'm a performer, darling, not a Swiss train conductor." Freddie says turning to Brian. "Sorry I'm late." He continues. "Again." Says John.

"All right. Now, will you please tell me why you're not playing any instruments?" Asks Freddie. "I wanna give the audience a song that they can perform. All right?
Let them be part of the band. So, what can they do?" Brain stomps his feet twice and claps.

We followed after Brian and continued to go along with the beat. Freddie joins along with us, not missing a beat. "Imagine... thousands of people...doing this in unison. Huh?" Says Brian. Freddie smiles "Well? What's the lyric?"

Madison Square Garden

The crowd cheers loudly, stomping and clapping to the beat of the song. Queen and The Loners were on stage together playing. Freddie and I stand side by side of each other, singing to our hearts content.

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