Chapter Sixteen

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But life still goes on
I can't get used to living without, living without
Living without you by my side
I don't want to live alone, hey
God knows, got to make it on my own
So baby can't you see
I've got to break free

We had just finished filming 'I Want to Break Free' and we're now goofing off on the set. Everyone was on the set except for Freddie, who was sitting at the makeup station.

"Brilliant! Can I get up now?" Asked Roger who was laying on John and I's lap. "What is happening?" Laughed Jones.
"No, you can't." States John. We all laugh. "We wanna be in it." Laughs Brian. Josh, Brian, Samuel and Jones lay on me and John. "Get off me!" Complains John.

"If you continue to lay on me, my   balls are going to pop." I wheeze. The boys look at me in disgust. "That's not very proper like for a gentleman, (M/n)." Said Jones in a high pitched voice. "It's it's very unladylike of you to do the things you do behind closed doors, Now is it, Josephine?" I tease. The boys laughed as Jones mumbles curse words at me under his breath.


"MTV banned our video. The youth of America. We helped give birth to MTV." States Freddie. "It's America. They're Puritans in public, perverts in private." Explains Brian. "I'm never touring
in the U.S. again."

Freddie chuckles dryly "And I'm
the one being blamed for it. Not you, dear...whose idea, I believe, it was to dress up in drag." He says looking at Roger then John. "And not you. Not even you, who wrote the bloody thing. No. Crazy, cross-dressing Freddie. Freddie the freak. Freddie the fag."

Freddie sighs "I'm tired of touring. Aren't you? Album, tour, album, tour. I want to do something different." I look at  him "We're a combined band. That's what bands do. Album, tour, album, tour."

"Well, I need a break. I'm sick of it." States Freddie. "What are you saying, Freddie?" Asks John. Freddie goes over to the window and lights a cigarette. He pauses for a moment and slowly drags out his words "I've signed a deal with CBS Records. I'm surprised you didn't, (Y/n)." Everyone quickly glances at me before turning back to Freddie.

"You've done what?" Said Roger. "Without telling us?" Brian asks turning to Freddie. "What kind of deal?" Questions John.

Freddie faces us "Look, I'm not saying we won't record or ever tour again. Queen will go on...But I need to do something different. Do you know what I mean? I need to grow." He stammers "What's the song? "Fly away"?"

"Spread my wings and fly away." Says John. "Spread my wings
and fly away." Smiles Freddie. "A solo album?" States Josh. "Two, actually." Cuts in Paul, who was in the corner of the room. "Back to back."

"Another word out of you...and I'll throw you out the bloody window." Fumes Roger. "But that's years, Freddie. I mean... that'll take years." Says John.
"Ye of little faith."

"I don't believe this." States Roger breathlessly. "How much?" Roger presses. Freddie turns to face the window, staying silent. "What did they pay you?" Asks Roger getting angrier by the second. He then turns to me "How much did they offer you two, (Y/n)."

I look at Roger "It doesn't matter now. I declined the offer and the money." Roger turns back to Freddie on the verged shouting "I wanna know how much they paid you..."

"$4 million!" Shouts Freddie. Brian scoffs and shakes his head in disbelief. "That's more than
any Queen or Loners deal." Says John.

"Look, the routine is killing us. I mean, you must all want a break from all the arguments. I mean, whose song gets on the album... whose song's the single...who wrote what...who gets a bigger slice of the royalties...what's on the B-side, all of it. You must need a break." Justified Freddie.

"Freddie, we're a family. Why do you think I declined the offer?" I state. "No, we're not! We're not a family!" Shouts Freddie. "You've got families, children, a husband, wives. What have I got?"

"You've got $4 million. Perhaps
you can buy yourself a family." Said John. Freddie looks out the window "I won't compromise
my vision any longer." Samuel sighs and shakes his head.

"Compromise? Are you joking?
You were working at Heathrow
before we gave you a chance." States Roger.

Freddie turns around and points at Roger, making his way in front of us. "And without'd be a dentist...drumming 12/8-time blues at the weekend at the Crown and Anchor." Freddie looks at Brian "And you. Well, you would be Dr. Brian of a fascinating dissertation on the cosmos...that no one ever reads." He turns his head to John "And Deacy...for the life of me...nothing comes to mind."

John looks down and looks back up at Freddie, hiding the fact that he was hurt. "I studied electrical engineering. Does that meet your standard?" Freddie smiles sarcastically "Perfect."

"And you four..." Freddie points at Samuel, Jones, Josh and I. "You four wouldn't be here if it wasn't for, (Y/n). You'd be a chemist, mechanic and an engineer. If it wasn't for me...(Y/n) would be a failed music or english, getting payed to little to deal with children young and old. Doing a job meant for women." He shakes his head. "Not a rockstar." Freddie puts his cigarette out and made his way to the hallway.

Roger turn to look at Freddie "You just killed Queen." Freddie turns to look at us "Oh, give it a kiss one day. She might wake up." Said Freddie. "You need us, Freddie." States Josh. "More than you know." Continued Samuel. Freddie looks down the hall "I don't need anyone." States Freddie.

I got up from my spot "He's right guys. We don't need him." I walked up to Freddie "We don't need you nor will we ever need you again." Freddie turns a looks directly into my eyes. "Go on and leave, but just know that once you leave I don't want you crawling back to us, Freddie Mercury." I spat.

"You no longer have a The right of being my children's godfather and you no longer have the right to be considered part of my family. Now get lost before I throw you and you pet out of the bloody window."

Freddie turned away, not daring to look into my eyes. "Get out of here! We don't need you!" I screamed at him. I turned away so he could see the tears threatening to escape my eyes.

"Get lost, Fred..." I whispered. Freddie walked out of the room. Paul followed after Freddie and patted my shoulder. "Don't touch me." I sneer. Paul left unfazed from my comment.

Silent tears rolled down my face. "(N/n)..." I held my hand up "No...just don't. He made it clear that we don't matter to him." I harshly wipe my tears "Take me please." They guys nod, standing up.

I hope it was all worth it, Freddie.

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