Chapter Eleven

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I roll on my side and groan. "Why the fuck is it so damn bright in here?" Rubbing my eyes I notice something written on my hand

' (xxx)xxx-xxxx Phone me sometime. I'd hate to not see you again' - Seb '

I smiled and yawned. Stretching my arms up, I crack my shoulders and slowly get up to do my morning routine.

Once I finish my morning routine, I looked at my hand once more before deciding to give it a chance. 'Why the hell not? Worst that could happen is he gave me a fake number' I thought. I sigh before dial the number and waiting for someone to pick up. After a couple of rings the phone picks up.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
"Is this Sebastian Stan's number? I was given their number and I was hoping they didn't give me the wrong or fake number " I say chuckling nervously.

'Well, if it isn't (Y/n) (L/n). Didn't think you'd call this early in the morning if I'm being honest.' Sebastian chuckled. I smiled before answering "Sorry, love. I just wanted to ask if you would like to get coffee this morning with me? Oh what am I saying, of course with me. Who else?" I ramble on embarrassed.

'I would be delighted to (Y/n).' He cuts my ramblings off. I couldn't contain my excitement. "Good! I'll come in about 20 minutes? Is that okay with you? Oh, I forgot to ask for your address." I bit my lip anxiously, grabbing a pen and paper.

'That would be perfect. My address is 3469 Gateway ave. I'll see you in 20.' And he hung up. I look down at the paper before phoning our diver, telling him I needed a ride.

Grabbing my things, I walk out of my hotel room and bump into Roger and Jones. "And where do you think your going?" Teases Roger. "Oh buzz off, Taylor." I wave my hand dismissively. "Ouch (N/n), you've wounded my heart." He says, clenching his shirt where is heart is, laughing.

"But seriously (Y/n), where are you going this early in the morning? Are you trying to sneak a shag in perhaps?" I roll my eyes "I have a date. Now can you please not tell the other guys? I don't want them ruining it." The looked at me in shock "A date? With who? Where?" Asks Jones. "I met this really nice guy at the bar yesterday and we hit it off. and no he wasn't trying to get into my trousers. We just had drinks and talked for the couple of hours while we were at the pub. We're going out for some coffee nearby his place, so I have to go and meet him at his place. Now if you'd excuse me, I have a date to go to." I walk outside and get in the car that was waiting for me. Before I closed the door, I heard Roger and Jones whistle and cat call. "Make sure he wraps it before he taps it!" Roger shouts. Both Jones and Roger laugh. I rolled my eyes at their ridiculous behavior and I close the door.

Upon arriving to his house, I get out the car and knock on his apartment door. The driver drives off. The door opens and I see Sebastian "Hey." Sebastian grins "Hey. Would you like to come in? I just need to get my shoes and we could get going." He steps aside and leads me inside"Thank you for agreeing to this. I know it was out of the blue but I enjoyed talking to you at the bar last night." I say nervously, turning to him. He laughs and walks over to his couch, putting his shoes on "I enjoyed talking to you as well. It's not everyday I get to meet a beautiful woman as yourself"

I could feel my cheeks heat up at the comment. "Well, it's not common for me to meet someone as hot as you, who doesn't care for my fame and money and treats me like I'm an ordinary person."

Sebastian just looks at me "That's because you are an ordinary person. Just an ordinary person who happens to have a musical talent and is in a famous band." I shake me head smiling. "Now, Let's get going shall me, Ma'lady." Sebastian asks holding out his arm for me to take. "We shall, darling." Taking his arm, we make our way outside his apartment and down the street to a local café.

"Order whatever you'd like, love. I'm paying." I tell him. Sebastian shakes his head "Nope, not happening. I'm paying and that's final." I looked at him I shock. I was not expecting for him to deny my offer, I thought. One of the waitresses walks up to us "Hello, my name is Janet and I'll be your waitress for today. Is there anything I could get you two?"

"Can I just have coffee with cream and two sugars?" Asks Sebastian. The waitress writes down his order and looks at me. "Just black tea with three sugars please." The waitress takes my order and goes behind the counter.

"How was your morning so far?" I ask, looking at him. "It's great now that I get to talk to you more." He flirts. My cheeks heat up. "Wow I didn't not expect that answer." I laughed. "Well this is just one of many dates, (Y/n)." He say confidently. "Is that so?" I smirk. "Don't get to cocky on me, Sebastian."

The waitress comes back and hands us our drinks. "Thank you." We tell the lady. "Let me guess? You don't like coffee?" He asks. I laugh "Are you saying that because I'm British, love?" Sebastian chuckles "That, and the fact that you seem like the type who would need coffee to keep herself up to write her fans amazing songs."

"Well you're not wrong but don't judge a book by its cover." I smirk. Sebastian just shakes his head, smiling. "You know, I've never met a women like you before, beautiful, funny, smart, and not to mention full of sass and sarcasm." I scoff "If you cant handle it, darling, then I don't think this will work out." He shakes his head chuckling "It's going to take a lot more then a little threat to drive me away, love."

'I always love a good challenge Sebastian. Don't disappoint me because I actually like you so far' I thought smirking

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