Chapter Eight

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Everything as been hectic for the past couple of weeks. Argument after argument, song after song and Roger locking himself in the cupboard. Everyone was just ready for this to be over with.

I looked out the window, admiring the view. I lit a cigarette before bringing it to my lips, inhaling then slowly exhaling the nicotine. It was a beautiful day outside and I was stuck inside, listening to Freddie play the piano, singing.

Goodbye, everybody
I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind
and face the truth
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
I don't wanna die
I sometimes wish
I'd never been born at all

Freddie suddenly stopped playing the piano, exhaling and letting out a chuckle. I turned to face Freddie as he stared straight ahead. "It's wonderful, Fred. You really are a brilliant musician." I say, exhaling smoke from the cigarette. Freddie just inhales deeply. I take that as a sign of him acknowledging my comment.


In the recording room was Brian playing the guitar along to the song. In the studio, Freddie was messing with the sound board, Josh, John, Jones, and Roger sat on the couch while Freddie, Roy and I were sitting at the sound board. Samuel and Paul were standing as we all watched Brian play.

As Brian finished playing, John reaches over the couch arm and stops the tape. "What next?" Asked Brian. Freddie smiles and leaned closer to the mic so Brian could hear him. "That was pretty damn good. Brilliant. I love that." Brian shook his head before lifting his guitar closer to his face. "Press the button, Freddie." Brian pointed to his headphones, signaling that he couldn't hear.

Freddie was about to press the button as Rory pointed to it. "I know, I know where it is. I know where...Knock, knock." Brian puts his thumbs up "Good." Freddie continued "It's good. Um...You know,play it like you wrote it."

Brian nodded "Well, I did. I wrote that part." Freddie smiled "Taking the piss." Brian nodded once again "Okay. Are you happy?" Freddie shrugged "I think it's beautiful.It's almost perfect." Brain tilted his head slightly in confusion "Almost?"

"Yes, give it more rock and roll." Said Freddie. "I'm always up for that, Fred." Brian nodded, his curly hair bouncing as he did so. "Put your body into it." Freddie smirked. Brian grabbed his cup of water and took a sip "Right. Okay.
Put my body into it. I got it." He raised his arms and moved them before putting his cup down.

"Not like that." Brian just shook his head understanding "No, I got it. I got it. Bit more soul, yeah? All right." Freddie piped in "Give it more heart." Brian just nodded his head getting into position "I'll do that. We good to go?"

"Roy, you good?" Asked Freddie. Roy raised his finger as John reaches over once more to the tape. Freddie press on the mic once more smiling "Oh, and then there's the operatic section." He claps before continuing "You're gonna love it." Brian looked at Freddie in confusion and uncertainty "The operatic section?" He questioned.

Freddie shrugged and started to ramble "I know, it sounds crazy."
Brian cut in "I love it, Fred. I love it." But he continued to ramble "I don't know. It could be a flop. It could work." Brian brought the guitar closer to his face once more
"I love it!"

Both Brian and Freddie chuckle "What have we got to lose?" Brian shakes his head smiling "Nothing." Freddie smiles "If you say so. Okay, let's go." Freddie turns around to John "Deacy." John plays the tape
Wish I've never been born at all
Brian took that as the cue to start playing, and he did. This time you could feel the momentum and raw emotion Brian put into playing his part.

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