[S3] Episode 2: Market of Black

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"Cough it up!" yelled the thug, "All of it. Right here, right now!"

Ikarus was struggling to get down from the thugs grip. He had lost sight of where Ally and Kitsune when they were exploring the town.

"Where's your damn money?" yelled the thug.

Suddenly the thug pulled out a knife.

"If you don't talk, I'm going to have to sell your cosplay wings."

"Woah!" shivered Ikarus, "This whole town was built on a glacier!"
"Indeed," said Ally.
"If I recall," explained Kitsune, "This Place is called Bergtown. It's one of the three major trading islands."
"What's the three major trading islands?" asked Ikarus.
"Bergtown, Industry City, and Little Industry City. They ship goods to other islands and gain profits."
"Maybe we can buy cheap ship in this town with your Joules," suggested Ally.

The trio explored the vast lands of Bergtown and found that there were many people inhabiting the island. They all lived in igloos and looked like midget eskimos. They all carried little hammers with them, and Ally found out that they had hammers to break or mine on the ice at any time.

The marketplaces surprisingly sold a variety of fish. There were green fish scales, green fish lungs, green fish meat... on second thought, never mind about variety.

"It seems like this island's main source of food is from green fish," said Ally, "For a major trading island, they don't sell much variety."
"Bergtown didn't get it's major trading island name for variety," explained Kitsune, "It's from being so close to the icy waters. Unlike the Industry Cities, Bergtown has unique goods that can only be found in the northern oceans. They basically run a monopoly for products of the arctic."

The trio then noticed the huge ships they were selling. Some were grand luxurious ships, and others were just floating mansions. Unfortunately, either of them were too expensive for the trio to buy. Even the cheapest ship was too expensive.

"Excuse me," asked Kitsune to an eskimo selling ships, "Are there any cheaper ships around here?"
"Well.." said the eskimo, "I'm not supposed to be saying this, but since you're so cute I have to tell you. There's a place called the Market of Black near the northern part of town that could potentially help in selling some cheaper ships."
"Oh! Thank you!" replied Kitsune.
"Call me," he said.

Ikarus kicked the eskimo into the water as Kitsune looked in disgust.

"Well then," shuddered Ally, "We should head up north and find this Market of Black. Then after we buy a ship, we can stay in this town for the night. Maybe find a navigator."

It took a long while, and multiple turns, but at last, the trio reached the Market of Black. The place was dirty and filthy. It reeked of dead fish like a gamer on a marathon, not leaving his computer to the daily necessary things such as take a bath.

"Well.." said Ally in awe, "Lets try to find that ship seller."

The trio walked down the pathway of dirty ice, and Ikarus slipped on the floor a few times. As they passed, they were offered multiple times of the products being sold. Gadgets, potions, fruits of odd color, and perfume were being sold. Each stable seemed to dupe people into buying their goods.

"You think it's possible to eat the food here, Ikarus?" asked Kitsune.




"Cough it up!" yelled the thug, "All of it. Right here, right now!"

Ikarus was struggling to get down from the thugs grip. He had lost sight of where Ally and Kitsune when they were exploring the town.

"Where's your damn money?" yelled the thug.

Suddenly the thug pulled out a knife.

"If you don't talk, I'm going to have to sell your cosplay wings."

That's when the thug tried to plunge his knife down, but a shield appeared, deflecting the knife out of the thug's hand.

Footsteps approached from behind the thug, picking up the knife. He took the knife and threw at the back of the thug, killing him instantly.

"Y-you saved me!" exclaimed Ikarus, "Who are you?"
The tall slender man replied, with a smile, "My name is Darryl Montgomery. I'm a police guard here. You should be careful now."

That's when Ally and Kitsune found the two, "Ikarus!"
"Is this your friend?" asked Darryl.
"Yeah," replied Ally, "We lost him."
"Guys," said Ikarus, "This guy saved me!"
"Thanks mister," bowed Kitsune.
"Don't mention it," he replied.

Darryl invited the trio into his office. The office were full of files, and messy. It was clear that he was investigating something.

"So," said Darryl, "You guys are trying to find a ship?"
"Yes please!" said Ikarus.
"Well, I know a ship place up north. Sells real cheap ships. There's kinda a problem though."
"What is it?" asked Ally.
"You guys look like you're some sort of fighters right?" Darryl said, inspecting the Korblack Sword that Ally held, "There's this monster terrorizing our town, and he's been stealing our food. We've really tried to defeat him, but we don't have Lock or Key in our organization."
"How did you know we had Lock and Key?" asked Ikarus curiously.
"I saw your shield appear," chuckled Darryl, "Anyways, we really need your help here. I want Bergtown to return to peace."
"Don't worry," said Ally, "We can handle it."
"I'll treat you to a ship if you succeed!" replied Darryl, happily, "Thank you guys so much!"

Ally, Ikarus, and Kitsune began to walk up the mountain ridge that the monster had resided. How exactly powerful was this monster? If a huge organization of Bergtown couldn't defeat him, could the trio beat him?

The trio walked up the long pathway, with Ikarus gnawing on green fish meat.

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