[S1] Episode 3: The Mile of Green

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"Nope, no clue," said Ikarus.
"How do you seriously not know who I am?" asked Ally in shame.

That's when some Federal Officers inspected the cell of Ikarus and Ally.
"Pipe down there," said the officer, "Both of your executions will be tomorrow. Get ready."

Ally looked down on the ground. He was already accepting his fate. Ikarus stared at Ally, and finally started noticing what he looked like. He was a young man with a strong build, blonde hair that was messy and rose up on the front. He also had a tank top on with some baggy pants. It doesn't look like he's been fed for a few days.

"C'mon Ally," said Ikarus, encouragingly, "We can get out and survive this."
"It's no use," said Ally, sorrowfully, "My plan of escape was finished yesterday, and it would've took three days to complete. Since the execution is tomorrow, it's pretty much over."
"I promise to the Goddess Majestika, I'll get both of us out and get our stuff back!"

Ally looked at Ikarus, "I made a promise too. It doesn't seem like I can fulfill it from here."
"What was your promise?" Ikarus asked.
Ally explained:

"My father, Aventius Korblack is a man of power. He's currently one of the best swordsmen in the world. When my brothers and I were birthed, he trained all three of us to become as powerful as him. That is, until I goofed around too much.

'The Korblacks are not a family of clowns. Get serious or get out.'

Eventually, my results didn't meet expectations and I was sent to be executed. My mother, Aria, helped me escape from the island however. She gave me my grand Korblack sword to help defend myself. For a long time, I was stranded until a man named James Sr. pulled me from sea and brought me into this island: Jamestown. He had a son named James."

"James Sr.? Is that the old man?"

"You're correct, Ikarus. He trained me to become a great swordsman. With my Korblack sword, I had mastered his technique of the Kenpachizorokenshin. A powerful yet efficient way to wield my blade and deal tons of power.

Everything was doing well until the Feds arrived in Jamestown to inspect on the island. However, all they did was encourage thievery and distrust in the island. This gave them more money and power to fuel their own self interests. It was disgusting. That's when I promised James Sr. that I would restore Jamestown back to the way it was. The Ville of Farms. The Mile of Green.

As you can see, I got caught."

Ikarus put his hand on Ally's shoulder, visibly crying, "What a touching s-story. Don't worry Ally, we'll get out of here and teach those Feds a lesson."

Both Ally and Ikarus were pulled up to the shooting range. This was the Feds style of execution: Quick and simple. The two were tied tightly to wooden posts. Then, both Ikarus and Ally noticed someone.

It was Jamie! What was she doing lining up in the shooting range? She was just a little girl!

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Ally," sniffled Jamie, "You told me to stay away, but I just couldn't help it. I missed you."
The Feds wouldn't shoot a little girl would they?

That's when a tiny man came up to the execution podium. His name tag labeled "Julian Badger."
"Is this on?" Julian said as he tapped on the microphone, "Anyways, welcome heathens and thieves. You all are off to get executed! Good for all of you! You'll get to experience the joy of the Heavens."

Ikarus scoffed, "The Heavens wouldn't accept people like you. You're a monster for executing even children!"
"That's a sacrifice I'm willing to make," replied Julian with a chuckle, "Soldiers! Get your guns ready! Shoot the angel first!"


The soldiers aimed, and fired.






"What the hell guys?" yelled Julian, "Who hired you people?"
Julian stepped down from his podium, off the stage.
"If you want to shoot a cosplayer, you have to do it yourself."
Julian took one of the soldiers muskets and aimed at Ikarus' forehead. He aimed, then fired.

The bullet shot through the air at an amazing speed. Then, right before it would hit Ikarus, a huge shield appeared to protect Ikarus. It was like an emergency protection tool.


The bullet bounced off of the shield, and ricocheted back. It then hit the forehead of Julian Badger. Blood oozed from his forehead, and then he dropped down on the ground.

He was dead.

"Woah man," said a soldier, "I ain't dealing with that."
The other soldiers untied Ally, Ikarus, and Jamie. They then went on "break."

"Hmm," thought Ally, "By chance, Ikarus. You're an angel right?"
"Yeah," replied Ikarus, "A soldier of the Goddess, Majestika, herself!"
"Do you know about Lock and Key?"
"Lock and Key? What's that?"

Ally shook his head:

"My old man taught me this. Lock and Key is what thrives inside everyone. Almost every human has a Lock. This Lock is their inner ability. It's how they get up at day, run, and do things. It's their energy.

But there are more things that Lock can do. It's not only a person's energy, but it's their aura. The stronger their Lock is, the stronger the person is. I've trained my Lock with my old man to get it to be as powerful as I can get it for now."

"Do I have a Lock?" asked Ikarus.

"That's the thing," Ally replied, "You seem to be a special case. I think you have a Key, instead of a Lock. You're a supernatural being, basically. An angel from the Heavens. You can create shields out of nowhere. You don't need to train your Key because it's already as powerful as a fully trained Lock. I think the only weakness about Keys are that they are more floatier than Locks, and that they can't read."

"How did you know I can't read?" asked Ikarus, amazed.
"I've seen a few Key users during my time here in Jamestown," said Ally, "They all seem to show the same symptoms. Anyways, we can use our Key and my Lock to our advantage and take down the Feds that's controlling this island. I'm asking for your help, Ikarus."

Jamie grabbed hold of Ikarus' hand, "Please Mr. Chicken. We need you."

Ikarus immediately smiled and agreed to help Ally, "Lets get the Mile of Green back!"
Ally smiled and faced the tower of the Feds. They needed to take down the executive officer of this island.

It was time to strike back.

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