[S2] Episode 6: Street of Wolves

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Ally bust the door open.

"Do you have to bust down the door open every time?" asked Ikarus.
"You say that like we didn't just destroy the front entrance," replied Ally smugly.

"Did you cluckers just bust down my door?" asked a chicken sitting on a seat.

Kitsune took some time to notice the inside of the Loan Sharks base, which was grand and luxurious.

"Where's Einstein and the other one?" he asked again, "I knew those peeps couldn't handle guarding a few gates. Now who are you?"
"I'm Kitsune," replied Kitsune, "This is Ally and Ikarus. We're here to talk about a little disagreement."

"Ah," replied the chicken, "The names Sharx. Contrary to the popular belief, I'm the only Loan Shark on this island. My identity is so rarely known that most people think I'm a cult of chickens."
"Yeah, we don't care," demanded Ally, "Where's Joseph Germania?"
"Yeah yeah," grumbled Sharx, bringing out the elderly fox from the back of his throne, "He's over here. I need you to give me some more Joules if you want him back."

Joseph looked at the trio, with mixed feelings of happiness, sadness, and helplessness. He was trying to speak, but a rag in his mouth prevented him from doing so.

"What?" yelled Kitsune, "We had the payment fully paid off! I had a whole bag and everything!"
"I noticed. However, the Feds demanded me to give them some more money as taxes for the lifestyle I'm living in this island. I want some more Joules from you to increase my revenue so I don't lose anything."
"The Feds again?" mumbled Ikarus, "Those guys are such a pain."
"That's not fair!" yelled Kitsune.

"Life's not fair," replied Sharx.

Sharx pulled out a giant blunderbuss, "Don't even think about trying to fight me for him. If you've gotten this far and passed the gates, then I know you guys have Lock. I have Lock too, and I plan on using it from the beginning."
"Hey!" yelled Ally, "Guns are only used for execution methods, not wars. If you wanted a long ranged weapon, you have to use a bow and arrow."

"You really think I play by the rules?"

Sharx stood up. For a chicken, he was unreasonably large. He was shorter than Jacob Badger, but larger in width. His blunderbuss was about the same size of Jacob's hammer, and it seemed like Sharx used cannon balls as it's ammunition.

Ally readied his sword. Ikarus readied his bow. Kitsune readied her Lock. There was no escaping this conflict.

As expected, Sharx was very slow. Ally had run towards Sharx, his blade ready. Sharx shot his blunderbuss, a huge cannon ball approaching Ally. However, Ally slid on the ground, zooming past the cannon ball. Ikarus used his shield on the cannon ball, reflecting it back at Sharx.

Ally was finally behind Sharx. With a cannon ball approaching him in the front, and Ally in the back, Sharx was cornered.


That is, until the trio underestimated how durable Sharx was. Sharx took both the cannon ball and Ally's technique at the same time, and no scratch or bruise was in sight. It's like Ally had never performed his technique at all. Ally was then knocked to the wall by the impact of the blunderbuss.

"Is that the infamous Kenpachizorokenshin?" asked Sharx, "Oh what fond memories!"
Ally stood up, coughing, "What..? What do you mean?"
"If I recall, the Kenpachizorokenshin was the unique technique only performed by one of the three legendary swordsmen, James. A man so mysterious that he had only revealed his first name."
"The three legendary swordsmen?" asked Ally, in curiosity, "Who are they?"
"James of course, as well as Aventius Korblack. The other swordsman's name I forgot. I'm pretty sure he is just as strong now as the other swordsman when they were in their prime."

"Well, guess what," Ally said as he stared at Sharx, "You better remember my name if you survive this fight. My name is Ally Korblack. Son of one of the three legendary swordsmen, Aventius Korblack. Trained most of my life by one of the other three legendary swordsmen, James Sr. As well as the only other person than James Sr. who has used, mastered, and perfected the Kenpachizorokenshin technique. Mark my words, I will take you down."

"Haha!" laughed Sharx, "What bold words for someone in blunderbuss rang—"

Suddenly, Sharx was knocked to the ground by a palm. Kitsune had used her Lock to push Sharx. That's when Ikarus slashed at Sharx who was struggling to get up by the constant slashing of Ikarus' swords.

"Lock Break," whispered Ally, glowing blue as he stared at Sharx, "After fighting Jacob, a huge monster, it was inevitable that I'd be fighting another behemoth. That's why I decided to make my own spin on my old man's technique. One that can cut down large crowds, or even large people.

Now Ikarus!"

Ikarus halted his slashing, and kicked Sharx's chin up with extreme force using his Key. This launched Sharx in the air, vulnerable to attacks.

Ally jumped up, gripping his sword, "A whole new angle and perspective to sword wielding!"


Ally, with extreme force and speed from his Lock Break, slashed his sword at Sharx. The range of the technique was far larger and much more dangerous, hitting the opponent at a range of 90° of Ally's view.

Sharx hit the ceiling, and was sent back down, causing a rumble.

He managed to stand back up, "What a terrifying technique.. the range is so huge that it managed to hit all my weak spots.."
That's when Sharx began to glow blue, "It's a good thing my Lock isn't done yet."

Sharx's blunderbuss began to melt into his hand, and out of Sharx's mouth emerged another blunderbuss. Three blunderbusses were attached to Sharx's mouth and hands. He was a full cannon machine!

"Boom," he said.

And thus, all the blunderbusses shot cannons which bounced off the walls. The cannons hit a large portion of the room, however Ally and Kitsune dodged them. Ikarus' shield was put up, but the cannons were so powerful that it broke the shield instead of reflecting them.

"Oh yeah," chuckled Sharx, "I forgot."

He pointed his finger at Joseph Germania. Joseph was overwhelmed in fear. The trio stared at shock, knowing they were helpless of what was about to happen.


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