[S9] Episode 4: Swordfight of Duality

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Ally ran through the debris after finishing off some federal soldiers. He's already been separated from the Arcs, so he can't rely on their help right now. Suddenly, Ally went to a halting stop.

A woman was before him. A blade was in her hand, and her cape flapped in the wind. She was glaring at Ally intently, as if he had owed her something.

"You're after Ikarus, aren't you?" asked Ally, glaring back at her.

"I've heard that you're after Liquid Nitro," replied Reina.

"Well you're going to have to go through me," they both said, readying their weapons.

Ally immediately rushed in, trying to slice her with his sword. Reina jumped in the air and threw a smoke ball. Ally immediately whacked the smoke ball away using the hilt of his blade, preventing the ball from emitting any smoke.

"You're clearly very trained in what you do," said Reina as she landed on the ground.

"So are you," said Ally, "I could see why Ikarus lost to you. The thing is, Diablo defeated you. If I can defeat Diablo, I can defeat you as well."

"I've gotten better since Ikarus and I have last met."

"So have I."

Ally and Reina's swords clashed in the middle of the debris. The impact of the swords caused the ground to shake a little, causing pebbles to stumble from their positions. From now on, it was a full on sword fight.

Suddenly, Ally was pulled by the leg. It was Reina's string! She attached it to Ally's leg when he was focusing on whacking the smoke ball away!

Ally immediately held his blade in front of him, blocking the thrust that Reina lunged in with her sword. The clashing of metal echoed throughout the battlefield.

Ally tried to jump away, but Reina's string kept pulling him back. Ally then deflected one of Reina's attacks, and immediately tried to cut her string. However the string was too strong to cut! What kind of material was this?

Soon, Ally blocked another attack. Something was wrong though. Each thrust and slice from Reina seemed to be getting faster and faster. These consecutive attacks were going to get more and more difficult to defend off.

Unlike Ally, Reina had more than just a sword. She had a variety of weapons that could potentially kill almost anyone. She was a trained assassin.

"Unlike you," she said, "I'm a perfect soldier."

Perfect soldier.

Those words echoed through Ally's mind. It was as if his father Aventius rejected him. Ally had enough. He was done being a perfect soldier. He was Ally, and he had flaws. But those flaws would help him throughout the rest of his life!

Ally blocked Reina's attack and immediately began to glow blue.

"This is the power of my resolve!" yelled Ally, "Lock Break!"

Reina attacked with her sword once more, but this was faster than usual. Suddenly, Ally pulled his leg up with the speed and strength of the Lock Break, exposing the string that tied around it.


The string was cut by Reina's sword! It was reasonable to think that her own sword would be powerful enough to cut her other weapons.

Ally leaped away, giving distance from Reina. He was ready to pull out his ultimate attack. Reina wasn't pulling back either. She had an attack that could rival his Lock Break. Inside, she began to power up her Key, enhancing the sword that she held.

They both ran towards each other, gripping their swords tightly and opening their mouths to utter the words that would unleash their amazing power.



Thunder boomed in the background as the skies turned a dark gray. These two attacks colliding against one another sent a powerful sound wave rippling through the air. This much power was certainly too much for regular humans to wield.

Reina and Ally dropped their swords from the impact, despite gripping them tightly throughout the collision. Ally ran towards his sword, but was stabbed in the ankle by a knife that Reina threw. It was clear that if he were to go after his sword now, it would end up being his downfall.

There was no choice but to engage combat with Reina without a weapon. Immediately, Reina has displayed her skills of martial arts to Ally, hitting him from all sides that he couldn't defend. One by one, these attacks stunned Ally.

However Ally's attacks were great as well. Although they weren't an actual form of martial arts, Ally's fighting style was clearly deadly despite only trying it out once. His attacks were random, as expected from one who doesn't really know how to fist fight.

However, these attacks hit hard. One punch from Ally made Reina clench her stomach. Not only was this power deadly, but they were unpredictable because of Ally's inexperience. Somehow Ally had made himself a worthy opponent with only his flaws!

But Reina regained control. Her mixed martial arts were clearly superior to Ally's bootleg swings and jabs. Soon, Ally couldn't feel his leg anymore from the wound by Reina's knife.

"I have no choice but to try this out," thought Ally as he blocked attacks from Reina.

Ally pulled his arms back, glowing blue, and started to yell:


A Kenpachizorokenshin without a sword? No way! This wasn't an official technique at all! It's just Ally throwing out a barrage of punches with the speed and strength of the Lock Break. Reina did her best to enhance the endurance of her body using her Key, but it was no use!

It was like a sword chipping away at a shield!

Reina was knocked back, hitting the debris with a thud.

Ally picked up his sword, and looked towards the horizon, "I'm really sorry, but I have a mission to complete, and a person to avenge."

Reina clenched her stomach, finding out new ways and strategies to defeat Ally Korblack.

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