[S5] Episode 4: Barfight

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"There are currently five major factions known to the public," explained the bartender:

"The Federal Academy of Galactic Soldiers, the Heavens, the Black Circus, the Harlequin Gang, and you guys, the newly introduced, the Arcs."

"Woah!" exclaimed Kitsune, "How did we become a faction?"

"To become a faction," said the bartender, "The group must consist of at least one person, and do a deed that makes them popular to the world in a positive or negative manner. For example, the Heavens is known positively as those who guide the spirits of the dead and help those in bad times. Another example, the Black Circus is known negatively as those who steal from the people around them for their own personal benefit."

"So," recalled Ally, "What we did at Restaurant Galore made us famous?"

"Exactly," replied the bartender.

"Can you tell us what everyone knows about each individual faction, including us?"

The Heavens: The Heavens are the oldest faction in the World of Sea. They're the ones with complete power in the entire world due to their leader, the Goddess Majestika. Although they have so much power, they're forced to abide by the rules of the World of Sea and try not to interfere with it too much. This made their appearance in Restaurant Galore very surprising.

The Feds: The Feds is the second faction to be created. They were created shortly after the creation of humans, in an effort to give peace and justice for the World of Sea. Recently however, there have been rumors circulating that they're corrupt. The leader of the Feds is unknown, but some people think that the leader of the Feds is in a different Reality Square, in an attempt to take down the Heavens in power domination.

The Black Circus: The Black Circus was made shortly after the Feds were created. They believed that the Feds weren't so good, and decided to rebel against them using their powerful abilities. The leader of the Black Circus, Liquid Nitro, is one of the most powerful leaders of the factions, and could possibly rival the Goddess Majestika herself.

The Harlequin Gang: The Harlequin Gang was a spawn from the actions of the Harlequin, the infamous world renowned thief. These gangs hide in the slums and support their mysterious leader whenever he visits them.

The Arcs: You guys are the newly formed faction created by Francis Galore, a well trusted individual. You're an inspiration of hope for people who know that almost all of the factions have a dark secret. Your efforts during the Restaurant Galore war will never be forgotten, nor your retrieval of the Arcwatch from both the Harlequin and the Black Circus.

Kitsune smiled smugly, "We're a symbol of hope!"

"Give me whatever I can buy with this, please!" yelled Ikarus to the server of the tavern, holding up a bag of Joules.

"One steak supreme meal, served with a salad, mashed potatoes, and broccoli," announced the server.

"I'll take it!"

The server went to the back to tell the chefs to prepare the meal. When the meal was finished, they gave it to Ikarus, who chomped on the food happily.

"Ikarus Antoine," said a woman sitting beside Ikarus, "That's your name, correct?"

"Mhm!" replied Ikarus, slurping up the mashed potatoes.

Suddenly, a blade swooped in to hit Ikarus' head. For a split second, Ikarus' hair, clothes, and wings transformed into a black pigment, and Ikarus bent back as if he were participating in a limbo contest. The angel dodged the blade thrust, and reverted back to Ikarus' original colors.

"Run," said a voice inside Ikarus.

Ikarus jumped out of his seat, grabbing the slab of steak and made a run for it outside of the tavern. The woman behind him began to chase after him.

"Who is that and why is she trying to kill me?" asked Ikarus.

"Ikarus," said the voice, "It's me, Diablo. I recognize that lady."

"Who is she?"

"Reina Tempest. I heard she works for the Feds. She could be after your high bounty."

Suddenly, Ikarus turned into Diablo once more, with his color scheme turning black. He dodged a dagger that came up from behind him. He then returned back to his original colors, still running.

"Ikarus," said Diablo, "I need at least ten seconds for me to help you. Otherwise, I could only appear for a split second. Find someplace safe to hide."

"Got it!" yelled Ikarus as he tried to flap his wings to a store roof.

Ikarus can't fly, but his wings could flap his wings a little so that he could gain a little altitude. He landed on the store roof, but he felt a tug on his leg.

There was string wrapped around it! Reina tugged on the string, pulling herself up on the roof of the store.

"This lady's tough," said Diablo, "Forget about my help. Try to take her on yourself."

Ikarus shot arrows at Reina, but she deflected each and every one. Ikarus then ran towards Reina, his double swords ready. He slashed at Reina, but she pulled on the string that was attached to Ikarus' leg, making him fall down.

Ikarus jumped back up, but Reina was there to grab his face and slam Ikarus' head down on the store roof. She then picked Ikarus up and carried him on her shoulder.

Reina grabbed a radio in her pocket, "Successfully retrieved the target, Azrael."

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