Opening Band

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A/N: okay this song high-key slaps.


Special appearance-None

e and the rest of the band are in a van riding to the next show we'll be opening.

I then shove Dell's shoulder,"Are you ready to be the best opening band for centuries to come?"

He laughs and shakes his head,"Definitely!"

Once there we set up and I accidentally bumped into Ben the guy we were opening up for,"Oh hey Ben! Wanna see us practice?"

He nods his head and blushed a little but I didn't bother to mind it,we started playing a little and Ben was all for it.

"You guys are going to be great when everyone gets here!"

He hugs me out of excitement but pulls away as quick and blushes slightly, should I ask him what's up?

~about to go on~

"We got this guys,on three [band name]!"




"[Band name]!!"

We go out and some people start cheering but not all.

We started playing and about a minute in Fans start yelling "We want Ben!"

Over and over again and that kinda made me sad so I started crying but kept singing with tears running down my face.

They started throwing things at me and a shoe hit me in the head and the mic got nocked over and I was now full crying while running off stage.

My band mates followed behind me feeling like they did something wrong to make all this happen.

I run to the back and lock myself in a bathroom,then I hear a knock,"Y/N are you okay?"It was Ben

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