Not so Happy

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A/N: First of all,I just wanted to say,I feel so fucking appreciated by you guys it low-key makes me cry,thank you for everyone who has stuck with me through my slow ass updates,luv u all♥️♥️♥️ Second,this is a short one,next one will be longer.


Special appearance-None

Me and Ben and my child Dan are a happy family of three,we stick together through everything,even when Ben goes on tour me and Dan support him from home.

It's been 7 years since we had Dan and he looked so lonely being the only child me and Ben thought we should try for another.

Something wasn't right though,I wasn't getting pregnant and the doctor said it was nothing,and I guess he was right because I found out I was pregnant the next month.

Me and Ben have told everyone including fans about the pregnancy except for Dan,but today was the day we would.

"Dan would you come down here sweetie me and your dad have something to tell you!"

I smile at Ben and he places his hand on my lower back.

"Coming mommy!"

I hear foot steps coming through the halls all the way to the kitchen.

Dan comes in and sits down seeing a cupcake with a card underneath the plate.

"What's this, it's not my birthday yet?",he giggles.

"Well why don't you read the card to find out.",Ben suggest.

Dan then moves the cupcakes to get to the card and reads it out loud,"Dear Dan,this is your mom and dad telling you that you are the best big brother in the wh-..."

He looks up,"Wait,what!"

He sounded angry, maybe even sad, I felt like I've done something wrong?

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME,I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!",He says while throwing the cupcake at Ben then ripping the card in half and runs off to his room.

I turn to Ben and start to tear up,"I-I thought he would love a brother or s-sister to play with."

Ben pulls me into a hug and rubs my back,"He's just not so happy right now,maybe he needs time to think it through by himself,then once it's time we talk to him."

I nod my head and lightly push him,"I'm cleaning this up."

He picks up half the card and looks inside,"at least he didn't rip the money with the card."

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