Orange juice (Bonus)

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A/N:Sorry this one took so long,tbh idk why.

Warning-sensitive subject (lil spoiler but you shouldve seen it by now)

Its only out for free for a week now so,get to it 🙃🙃

"How do we get her attention?" Y/f/n asks

"Food fight anyone?"Blake says and Ben smirks at me,"I like this guy's thinking!"

Y/F/N then holds out a tray a food then i giggle,"Do I just like throw it?"

Ben nods his head,"Okay okay,three two, Idk!" "Girl hurry up" Y/F/N says,then I throw the sandwich and it hits a girl and she yells ow really loud and blue boy turns around to see what happened and she gets up.


Everyone then starts throwing tons a food and I took Blake and Ben by the hand and Blake took Y/F/N hand and we hid under the table.

Ben then shakes his head,"They need to watch the hair,I just had wash day."

I giggle and look at them,"Should I go up to her?"

Y/F/N then points,"She is leaving with Kelly." I then look over to see Kelly taking away the girl.

Ben the holds my hand and kisses it,"I think you need to do this alone."

I smile and then kiss his cheeck,"O-Okay, wish me luck."

Blake then laughs,"Alright,good luck bitch!"

I then get up and scurry away.

Blake then grabs spaghetti off the floor and Ben smakes his hand,"IF YOU DONT PUT THAT FLOOR SPAGHETTI DOWN!"

Blake then sighs,"man.."


I walk in and see two people in one bathroom stall and know it Kelly and that girl,so I go in the obe next to them.

I then hear someone throwing up and then Kelly.

"Stick it down your fucking throat bitch,you have to stay skinny and hot like the rest of us,be glad I gave you a chance!"

Kelly then walks out of the stall and leaves the bathroom slamming the door.

I then hear quiet crying. Then I see her get up from the floor and over to the sinks.

I get out of the store and peak from behind the wall, she looks bad at the mirror and screamed,"WHY AM I SO FUCKING FAT AND UGLY!"

She then screams again and the mirror breaks right infront of her and she starts crying again.

She then slides down the wall and takes off the blonde wig she had on and lets her beautiful brunette hair flow down her chest.

"I turn oranges into orange juice! but no one will know and no one will care,for I am nothing but an ugly piece of shit!"

I then hide behind the wall a little more feeling as if i walked out right at that moment she would most likely break one of my many bones.

I then don't hear anymore crying and get up from my spot and see her head on her knees and i walk up to her and brush her hair with my hand and see her look up at me with bloodshot eyes.

"You know your body is imperfectly perfect and you don't need others like Kelly to put you down."

I pull her up and hug her,"Why don't you see yourself in someone elses perspective."

I back away and then pull out my eyes and she takes out her's too and I give her mine and she gives me hers.

I then pull her to the mirror and rest my head on her shoulder.

"Wanna know something I learned about bodies? They don't Define us,we aren't our bodies,they're just temporary."

I then sigh,"I know it seems impossible but try not to expect shower people to love you, they don't even have the capacity to understand how amazing you are, and we all have to learn to love ourselves without the approval of others."

She then nods her head,"I know it's just extremely overwhelming when everyone around you is making you feel like you aren't good enough, as if you're not deserving the same kind of love if you're different."

I then take my head off her shoulder and grab her upper arms,"Everyone is deserving of love.Everyone."

I then hug her and rest my head on her shoulder again.

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