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Daniel is a 20 year old guy who has  Seasonal affective disorder , (SAD), which means a year exhibit symptoms at the same time each year, most commonly in winter. Common symptoms include sleeping too much, having little to no energy, and overeating. The condition in the summer can include heightened anxiety.

His girlfriend checked him into the mental hospital when he was 17, when she starting seeing changes in his mood and behavior. He was always so sad and never in the mood to do anything. Kinda like depression, but like major depression and depending on the season, you'll get different results.

now the hospital hasnt yet figured out which season Daniel gets his depression, but with heavy research and  close attention they'll figure it out soon. 

 this place was okay, he knew that he wasnt healthy so he beared with it.

"its basically depression, idk why they need a longer name for it"

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