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as trinity walked down hall b to jack's room, she knocked a little before opening the door fully before closing the door behind her. jack was facing his window. "jack?" she whispered, getting his attention. "trinity!" he hugged her tightly. "so how much did you gain today? and don't lie cuz i can go to nurse emma and ask." trinity warned. jack sighed a little.

"i dont know like 7 pounds." he shrugged. "well thats good." she praised. "can we not talk about this. i hate talking about this. lets talk about you." jack switched the subject. "there is nothing to talk about. i have a bipolar disorder." she mumbled. "have you been getting better?" he asked. "by what the doctors say, yes. but from what i see, no. im a lil mental, but ill be alright." she laughed a little.

"well you laughed! that's a start." jack praised her. "what ever you say, noodles." trinity winkled her nose at him. then the door opened, revealing Zach. "im so pissed." he huffed. "when are you not, but continue."  she told him. he gave her a look, "why do i get in trouble for telling another guy to suck his dick. i mean he was the one telling me off first." Zach ranted.

"Zach i don't think you know but you have Oppositional defiant disorder. meaning they will always think you started something first." jack rolled his eyes. "you wanna bet!" Zach got defiant. "uh no, now sit down. you're acting like Jonah."  trinity sat him down. "speaking of Jonah, did you see he got in another fight today. that was like his third one today." Zach laughed a little. she nodded. "i witness the first one but the two other ones i was in counseling."

"also the new girl, she so hot." Zach smirked. "no one has gotten her name yet?"  trinity asked. "no, shes been going by new girl since this morning." jack told them. "and im telling you shes off limit." trinity warned Zach. "why?!" Zach got angry. "cuz she mental, like really mental. like cray cray ." she explained.

"but we're all crazy." jack shrugged. "no shes like literally crazy. she talks to herself a little and i think she sees things."

"well thats a new level of crazy. but Zach you couldn't of asked her out anyway. rule is you can't date other patients." jack laughed. "shes cute. im not gonna ask her out, i just wanna get to know her." zach shrugged before leaving. "hes totally gonna ask her out." trinity shook her head.

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