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trinity was in a van. it wasn't even comfy, it was metal and uncomfortable. they were taking her away, but she didn't wanna leave jack. nor did she want to get better, she knew this wasn't gonna help.

her and harpreet were in the van, along with a few other girls. since they separated the girls and boys.

the van hit a bump making trinity bounce and hit her head, causing her to whimper. "you good?" harpreet asked. trinity rose her eyebrows. "no, im being taking to a different facility because of loving another person."

all the girls gasp. "meaning you actually loved another patient?" one girl asked, quietly. trinity nodded. "yeah."

"Aye! quit talking." the driver yelled at them. they jumped at his voice. they weren't tied up, meaning they could try and leave. but the van was going to fast for them to jump out.

trinity noticed that there was a latch on the door. she crawled towards the door and fiddled with the latch, praying it would open.

"what are you doing?" harpreet whispered harshly. "trying to get out." she whispered back. "even if you did open it, the van is going like 100 mph. you'll kill yourself." harpreet said.

"hey! what are you–." but as soon as the driver could say anything, trinity got the latch open.

the van came to a holt and trinity took off running, she ran like she wasn't gonna live again. to see jack. her breathing became a little uneven but she kept running and her feet felt like they were gonna break.

the road was clear, and the only thing that could be seen was trees and grass. trinity looked back to see if anyone was following, the girls in the van sat there. frozen, and some guards started chasing after her. after a few minutes of running, trinity rolled her ankle and fell. "fuck." she muttered and tried to get back up but the guards had already caught up to her. "LET ME GO!" she screamed as the guards picked her up and took her back to a different van. this time she was alone with guards.

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