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"so im pretty sure nurse emily gave you the run down on everything that goes down here. but im here to show you where everything is at." edwin looked at trinity, as she pushed herself in her wheel chair.

"so to start off, this is our hall. it has no name but we like to call it the 'mentality insane' because down here everyone has mental issues and everyone upstairs are crazy." he laughed a little. "great name." trinity commented. "i know, it took me weeks after i was dropped off here." edwin's smiled faded.

trinity decided not to ask, considering she had just met him. it looked like a touchy subject.

"then as you walk out of the mentality insane hall, you are met with the main hall. basically where people are checked in and where people are checked out. or patients go there if they get in trouble. trust me, you don't wanna visit there." edwin warned her. trinity nodded, getting the idea.

"then through these doors, is the cafeteria. food is alright. its kinda like school food but it fills you up." he shrugged. edwins mood went down a little after he told trinity that he was dropped off here at the hospital.

"if you pass the cafeteria doors, you head into this hall. i have no name for this hall because im never over here." edwin told trinity. "hey is everything okay?" trinity asked, "i know ive only known you for like a few minutes but you seem sad."

edwin stopped. "my parents left me here after they found out i had Bulimia nervosa."

trinity's breath hitched, she felt as if it was jack telling her he had Anorexia nervosa. "edwin i-."

"no need to give me pity. its fine. ive been getting better, at least i think." he looked at her. "its okay edwin. i just met you. no need to give me your whole life story. but as a reminder, im always here to talk." trinity smiled.


harpreet was not adjusting as well as trinity. she put up so many fights, she was so tired. no one here understood her and when she was bored or lonely she just talked to conner. even though conner was being a dick at the moment.

harpreet knew her way around easily, considering that she just got here. she also saw trinity a couple of times with a guy. though she was scared for her since her hanging around a guy got her sent here.

she missed zach to be completely honest with you, she would sit in her bed and think about if zach would wonder about her.

"god, stop thinking out loud." conner said. harpreet looked at him. "shut the hell up." she snarled at him, "why can't you just die."

"because i only die if you die." conner looked at her. why was conner being so rude and why wasn't he his nice self. "maybe i should die. then i wouldn't have to listen to your annoying ass voice." harpreet looked out her window and considering she was upstairs in the, "mentally insane" hall. she could jump.

"you wouldn't dare." conner rushed towards her.

"come any closer and i will."

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