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harpreet was coming out of her therapy session when zach caught up with her. "harpreet!" he yelled, making her jump and spin around fast. "are you following me?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"no. look i just want to get to know you better." he smiled. harpreet looked at him suspiciously before nodding. "okay. what do you wanna do?" she asked, opening her room door. she was in hall c, above hall d. "uh tell me about yourself." he said.

harpreet shrugged, "there is not much to talk about. i have schizophrenia, people think im crazy."

zach nodded even tho in the back of his mind he was like, "cuz you are."

he sat on her bed and looked around. it was comfortable and clean, surprisingly. he though there would be things everywhere because of her disorder.

"harpr- oh. you brought someone to your room." a lady with dark hair and great features knocked on the door. harpreet nodded, "this is zach." she smiled. the lady looked at zach. "im harper. nice too meet you!" she was very pretty in his opinion but harpreet was prettier.

zach smiled and nodded. "harpreet, you have another therapy session in a hour."

harpreet whined and shook her head. "another one. why?" harper gave her a warning look. "they wanna check on you again." she said before leaving. she groaned. "you don't like therapy?" zach asked. "no i don't. therapy sucks and all they do is make me look at pictures to check is my sanity is normal." she rolled her eyes.

zach laughed a little but stopped. harpreet caught it and looked at him. "what?" she asked. "nothing." he shrugged off.

she walked closer to him. "no! what was it?" she looked at him. their faces were very close and zach was just itching to kiss her. but as soon as the idea to kiss her came to his mind he couldn't get it away.

so he kissed her and harpreet was taken back a little but kissed back.

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