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run. run. run. run.

those were the only words in trinity's mind as she jumped over the fence. she hoped she didn't roll her ankle like she did when she tried to escape the van that brought her here.

the woods were so close she could easily, run and hide just incase she was being followed by guards.

trinity felt as if her legs were gonna collapse under her as she slid behind a bush to make she she wasn't being followed. which she wasn't. and she felt grateful that she had time to collect herself from just escaping a mental hospital.

"oh god." trinity breathed and held her heart. she had on jeans and just a shirt meaning she could just walk into the street without being noticed. but within just a few moments, the pa that was outside issued a warning that trinity was lose and guards were to find her. "shit." she cursed under breath, she literally just left. so trinity ran more into the woods, after hearing that.


as maddie walked the halls of center leaf mental hospital, she felt as if she was being watched.

like stalker watched, and it was creepy. but non the less she kept walking until she was in the cafeteria about to sit with corbyn. that is until a girl she had never met before was in her face.

"what do you think your doing?" she said, as maddie furrowed her eyebrows. "who are you?" maddie asked. "im lila, the new girl in this mental hospital and you were just about to go sit near my boyfriend!" lila exclaimed. "your boyfriend?"

"yeah, are you deaf? jack is my boyfriend." lila crossed her arms, and maddie laughed.

"i thought trinity was his girlfriend." she thought. "who's that?" lila asked. "his-well was his girlfriend. i guess."

"hm, just stay away from him." she says and walks to the table. corbyn caught her eyes and maddie motioned him into the hall.

"what was that about?" corbyn ask, leaning up against the wall.

"she said jack was her boyfriend." maddie cocked her head at him. he looked at maddie weird. "i thought trinity- well i thought trinity was his girlfriend." he spoke in a low whisper.

"why are you whispering?" maddie asked. "cuz that is the reason trinity isn't here anymore. because she was jack's girlfriend. im surprised they haven't been caught yet." corbyn explained, hiccuping in the middle of it. "you can't be serious." her face fell. "never been so serious in my life."

"where is she?"

harpreet looked up, confused at the question. "where is who?" she asked, of course she was playing dumb. she knew where trinity was.

"trinity. the girl you were talking to before she jumped the fence and ran?" the facilitators asked. harpreet was in a meeting room, without the meeting involved. so was edwin. they were talking to everyone who knew or said a word to trinity.

of course everyone was being hard to work with. including harpreet, she didn't wanna be a snitch. "i'm sorry but trinity kept to herself. she didn't really go into detail of what she does." harpreet mumbled, looking away.

she over heard edwin talking, "i mean she turned me down, told me she was in love with somebody else. never got a name though." he sounded heartbroken, but trinity was really in love with jack. 

"you can go." the facilitator said.

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