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you've been quite, why?" daniel asked jack. it was about fall, and it had been 3 months since Trinity and a bunch of other people were transferred to a different facility.

jack shrugged. he hadn't been talking  ever since she left and his friends were worried. he hadn't been eating as much as when trinity was here.

"just-hiccups- let him be, he's been through it." corbyn says, he had to go meet maddie so he made his lunch short.

after corbyn left it was just jack, zach, daniel and jonah. "yeah umm i gotta go, but ill catch you guys later." jonah looked at the clock.

"where are you always going too?" daniel asked. "non of your business, butt out." jonah growled. daniel rolled his eyes, knowing it wasn't actually jonah talking.

"fine leave, do what you want." daniel says as he go to turn away but bumps into a girl.

"owww, watch where you're going!" the girl snarled, pushing jonah back. jonah being the pissed off person he is, got in her face.

"no, you watch out!" jonah pushed her back. "whoaa hey, jonah! that's a girl, don't push her!" zach got up.

soon the fight was broken up by some guards who had heard the chaos. "the nerve of some people." the girl huffed as jonah was pulled away. "you kinda started it." jack told her. the girl looked at jack, confused as to why he was talking to her.

"excuse me?" she set her hands on the table he and the guys were sitting at.

jack rolled his eyes, "im gonna go." and he got up, to leave to his room.

"what a dick." she exclaimed. zach lifted his hands in surrender before walking back go his room.


her name was lila, kinda like lilacs. which is funny considering she lilacs some kindness. lila was the new girl, and had just been transferred from Mahogany Mental Hospital. which was a few miles away from here. she was switched with another girl, but like all the newbies here, lila didn't know who.

she had intermittent explosive disorder, like jonah. unfortunately, she could be set off much easier. jack hadn't been in the mood, lila being a bitch was just the cherry on top of everything.

"knock knock." lila knocked on jack's door. she kinda felt bad, it was ether because jack was insanely cute or because he looked like he had been through something.

"go away." jack groaned, he wanted to be alone. by himself, to think about things.

"well that's no way to talk to a girl." lila just waltzed right in, acting like she owned the place.

"get out or im calling security." jack looked at her sharply before turning back around. lila stepped out of jacks room, in the door way.

"okay im out. can i come in?" she asked.

"no, what do you want?" jack asked, never making eye contact. "to apologize for my behavior. and consider this a sincere apology, since i don't apologize at all." lila explained.

"what makes me any different?"

"because you look worth apologizing too."

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