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after trinity's overdose, she was placed on major house arrest. meaning no afternoon activities or going to lunch. which made her mad. no one could visit her and she was left alone in her room, with cameras.

"here's lunch." jack's voice echoed through her silent room. she snapped her head towards her door. she smiled a little. "jack!" she got up hugged him. "nurse emma let you see me?"

"good, your happiness level is high. and yeah she knows how close we are and how I wanted to see you for a while now." jack smiled. she grab her food placing it on my her side table, then grabbing the right amount of pills and place them on the tray.

"are those the right amount?" he asked, counting them. "yeah, they are. nurse emma checked before taking the rest of them." trinity mumbled.

there was silence in her room again, until jack broke it.

"why?" jack looked at her.

"why what?" she asked.

"why did you overdose. you were doing so well. you laughed. that's was some progress." he exclaimed. "you can't fix me! im broken and i have a bipolar disorder that can't be fixed." trinity shook her head, getting annoyed.

"i'm not trying got fix you. i'm trying to help you." jack grabbed her hands. "just like you help me by trying to get me to eat once and a while. or tell you how much I've gained in a day."

trinity looked down for a sec. "i-i...i'm sorry." she cried, grabbing onto jack, as he held on to her.

she cried into jack's chest as he hugged her. he's seen her breakdown like this before, but this breakdown felt more sincere than the others.

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